Updated: A Gallery Of Woke Signs Put Out By Progressive ‘Churches’ Volume II

A thoroughly deceived congregation of false converts and rebellious demoniacs have been putting out progressive marquees outside their church for years, sharing every progressive trope imaginable with the world, virtue-twerking their way into the hearts and minds of the lost.

Lutheran Church of the Cross is a Canadian congregation that “affirms and celebrates human diversity in God’s creation.” Led by Lyndon Sayers and Lyle McKenzie, they are an ELCIC (Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada congregation, the canuck version of the ELCA) that is populated by senior citizens, lesbians, and a host of other ragtag goatlings. Their services are comprised of the traditional Lutheran liturgy, with a splash of rainbow-themed blasphemy thrown at every opportunity

Woke Sermon: Journey of Baby Moses in Basket is about About Queer Acceptance +Alternative Heteronormative Family Structures

Church Hosts ‘Queer Nativity Play’, Featuring Mary and Joseph As Two Catfighting Lesbians

Lutheran Preacher Says ‘Drag Queen Story Hour’ is An Example of LGBTQ Folks Being a ‘Good Samaritan’ to Children

While the majority of their church signs involve their love and celebration of sodomy and sundry queer slogans, some of their past church signs include calls of anti-racism, support for abortion, and Kate Bush lyrics.

For another woke church signs, see Clackamas’ United Church of Christ.

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