Disgraced Pastor Carl Lentz Breaks Silence in New Vanity Fair Documentary

True to form, disgraced former pastor Carl Lentz has broken his silence regarding his ousting from Hillsong, NY, telling his side of the story in a new documentary in partnership with none other than Vanity Fair.

There have been several Hillsong mini-docs and investigations in the last few years, but this is the first one Lentz has participated in. 

In November 2020, Carl Lentz was ousted from the pastorate after it was revealed that he was having an adulterous affair with a New York City-based designer named Ranin Karim. Though his bombshell got him fired, it was only one of many affairs, according to leaked audio from Hillsong leadership.

Rather than a so-called “one-time mistake,” which is inexcusable but at least partially understandable, Lentz exemplified predatory sexual behavior for years, including grooming behavior, resulting in several sexual encounters and acts of deviance that he instigated. He is now employed as a church strategist at Transformation Church.

In the trailer for the film, which seems to focus more on Brian Houston and his trial for covering up his father’s sexual abuse of a minor, Lentz can be heard saying:

“The truth doesn’t go anywhere, just because you covered it up…You do not want to be in this chair. I cannot stress it enough. I’ve had some major lies.”

The documentary airs May 19.

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3 thoughts on “Disgraced Pastor Carl Lentz Breaks Silence in New Vanity Fair Documentary

    1. Look, it’s the 12-year-old troll again.

      You not only steal my name, you steal my time, monitoring the comment section of every article.

      Your hatred of God stirs up much strife!

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