Bill Johnson: Students Cannot Graduate from BSSM Until They Give 3 FALSE Prophecies

Bill Johnson of Bethel Church in Redding, California, told congregants in a recent sermon that they require all aspiring students attending Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry to give three false prophecies if they want to advance to the next grade.

Bethel Church is an assortment of false teaching and bizarre charismatic shenanigans. From ‘Little God Theology’, teaching that Adam created the animals in Eden, that Michael the Archangel wears tights, and that angels sit around in heaven farting contents, it’s a bizarro world with significant influence.

During a March 2023 sermon at James River Church, Bill Johnson claimed that Bethel’s Chief Prophet, Kris Vallotton, created a baby through the power of prophecy, teaching that if he didn’t take a risk and prophesy to a barren couple that they would soon get pregnant, that baby would never have come into being.

Johnson emphasized that Vallotton was nervous about getting the word from God wrong but gave it anyway. True to form, however, his decree created a baby and the couple gave birth the next year, with Valloton breathing a sign of relief. At this point, Johnson warns the congregants:

I should probably add this; when you get it wrong, don’t quit. Clean up your mess and try again. This may sound strange to you but in (Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry), our students are actually required to get it wrong.

If they don’t fail at least three times in the first year, we won’t let them in the second year. Why? If you’re not willing to take risk to the part where you get it wrong, you probably won’t get it right in the way you need to.

But secondly, we want you to get it wrong in a loving environment, so you know how to clean up your mess.

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10 thoughts on “Bill Johnson: Students Cannot Graduate from BSSM Until They Give 3 FALSE Prophecies

  1. So a school of prophecy actually REQUIRES students to make false prophecies in order to graduate? Did I get that right? What did God say about false prophets?
    He clearly and repeatedly told them “You all are NOT speaking for ME!” What did God require happen to false prophets? They were executed, if ONE of their prophecies did not come true. What this school is doing is admitting their own scam. Admitting that their students are false prophets. This is the purest form of blasphemy I can imagine! Is this is what American churchianity has come to????

  2. I had to go back and read this again to make sure it said ‘false” prophecies. Wow.
    Churches like this should just jettison the Bible, as they obviously put little/no stock in its inerrancy.
    These are narcissists chasing their own fantasies of wielding powers they clearly don’t possess – a good summation of most in the charismatic movement.

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