Christian Filmmaker Pleads Guilty to Felony Sex Charges

(Ministry Watch) Steve Greisen, a Christian filmmaker and a veteran of the Jesus movement’s 1970s-era music scene, pled guilty Wednesday in Colorado Springs to a criminal attempt to solicit online sex with a minor.

In a plea deal, Greisen agreed to register as a sex offender and spend five years in Colorado’s supervision program for sex offenders. He had been arrested on charges for inducement of child prostitution, patronizing a prostituted child and sexual assault on a child, with a possible prison sentence of 12 years.

The plea deal was reported by The Gazette. Greisen’s attorney, Richard Bednarski, did not respond to MinistryWatch’s requests for information and comment.

As MinistryWatch reported, Greisen was arrested Sept. 7 after arranging to pay an undercover detective $170 to have sex with a 14-year-old girl. The arrest came amid efforts by local and federal officials to “identify and arrest child sexual predators.”

Greisen, who is 68, runs two Christian film companies from… to continue reading, click here.

Editor’s Note. This article was written by Steve Rabey and published at Ministry Watch

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1 thought on “Christian Filmmaker Pleads Guilty to Felony Sex Charges

  1. Unfortunately, this is all part and parcel of the Jesus’ movement’s boomer offspring of enablement of liscence in Christendom.

    You see this liscence take various forms, and although this is at the most extreme and criminal end of such liscence, you can see other figures formed in the Jesus movement create their own set of problems: namely, Bill Hybels, Rick Warren Andy Stanley et all, and their associated scandals and heresies. But what more can you expect from a movement founded by an unrepentant sodomite that introduced hippie culture to Christendom via young boomer pastor kids trying to make Christianity relevant to the culture in the 70s?

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