Kenneth Copeland Prophecies That God is Giving Heidi Baker ‘The United States’

When arch-heretic Kenneth Copeland is not giving false prophecies about COVID being destroyed, throwing someone in a wheelchair to the floor, casting away bald spots in Jesus name, or even running his own bizzaro Bible college, arch-heretic Kenneth Copeland, 86, the world’s richest prosperity preacher in America, can be frequently found making up stuff about Jesus and justifying his personal theological idiosyncrasies.
Speaking at his Eagle Mountain Christian ‘Church’, Copeland claimed to be speaking for God as he ‘prophecies’ over Heidi Baker, a charismatic prophetess who routinely gives false prophecies and claims she frequently visits heaven where she is given special revelation. Copeland claims that she has being given the gift of “The United States” and then later “Canada.”
“I have given you and Roland favor in places where people hated you, and wanted to kill you, and I’m changing their minds and changing their hearts. My goodness is falling in the hearts of men and women in this country, in the United States, where so few know of you and Roland.
I am giving you the United States. I am giving you this place and opening it up to you. And you’ll go back and forth, back and forth, then will come Canada. You will go to the far North, you’ll go to the Inuits….”
h/t Shawn at Revealing Truth
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Rats, I was hoping God would give me the U.S.
Guess I’ll have to settle for Europe.
Brother Copeland just called to tell me God is giving me Puerto Rico. Does anyone want to trade?
Are those vampire teeth she’s got there?
Ok. I’ll say it, this looks inappropriate.
Satan offered Jesus the kingdoms of the world, and He refused.
Satan offered Kenneth Copeland and Heidi Baker the kingdoms of the world, and they accepted!