Did You Know: Kenneth Copeland Has His Own Bible College?
With arch-heretic Kenneth Copeland getting a little bump in the news on account of fellow partner in crime Creflo Dollar repudiating much of his teaching on tithing, we thought it a good time to inform folks that lest you think the 84-year-old Richest Pastor in America’s theology will die with him, it will not, as he’s infecting the next generation through the Kenneth Copeland Bible College. (KCBC)
An extension of Kenneth Copeland Ministries/Eagle Mountain International Church, the KCBC was founded in 2018, and its campus is on the compound. Accredited by Transworld Accrediting Commission International, the college has 90 students enrolled, with most taking a 2-year Associate of Biblical Studies degree. According to the promo material:
“Our Associate of Biblical Studies is a 2-year (60 credit hour) program of biblical study that embodies the foundational teachings of Kenneth Copeland Ministries, with electives offered to further students’ development in their ministry callings.”
Most of the courses they offer are pretty standard fare, but they will always have that Copeland twist, evidenced by the Law of Prosperity course.
BIB209 Laws of Prosperity – 1 Units
There are instructions set forth in the Word of God to teach men how to live a prosperous life. This course examines spiritual laws governing prosperity revealed in God’s Word. A heart unshakeable in God’s established covenant produces results. Principles revealed through Jesus’ own words will be examined as students grow in knowledge that God and His Word are the true Source of their supply and understanding the Law of the Seed connects them to all of heaven’s benefits
A 2 year program costs $7200. Because there is a ‘practical’ side to the degree, all students must serve within Kenneth Copeland Ministries in some capacity, which will “encourage students to develop in ministry and to gain valuable and practical experience serving in the local church.”
The college is currently taking applications for the fall semester.
Bonus: Video! Kenneth Copeland Sends Man in Wheelchair Crashing Backwards
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Very enriching article