Op-Ed: New York Times Throws Their Boy A Bone: David French To Join Times As Opinion Columnist

David French, the Evangeleftist public theologian and political commentator who recently declared his approval of the Respect For Marriage Act and the nationalization of gay marriage, has announced that he will join the New York Times as an Opinion Columnist. This move will surprise absolutely no one who has been following French’s trajectory as he races to follow in the footsteps of the likes of Russell Moore, who was the token Christian lap dog for such leftist publications as the Washington Post before ascending to his throne in the Ivory Tower of Christianity Today. French is frequently quoted as a notable Evangelical in the New York Times in the same way that the Washington Post utilizes Russell Moore.

French previously served as a founder of the Dispatch and a contributor for The Atlantic. Undoubtedly, the secular humanists at the New York Times are gleeful at the news that the “French Press” Bloggerista will join their ranks. Undoubtedly, French will use this opportunity to frame his faux conservative, pro-secular nationalism, Globo-homo agenda as a standard for Evangelicals and conservatives. French and the New York Times both share a mutual disdain for former President Donald Trump, a fact that was clearly expressed in the first sentence of the NYT’s introduction of French.

The only thing that would be better than having a wolf in sheep’s clothing like David French take off his costume and join the wolf pack over at the New York Times would be having French’s pal and fellow Evangeleftist and sodomite sympathizer Phil Vischer join the rag as a contributor in the funny papers.
The absurd claim that facts, reason, morality, generosity and humility are somehow ever at odds, just about completely describes what’s wrong with both French and the NYT, in one sentence.
And in so saying, he is somehow “humble”! LOLLLLLLLLLLLLL
Yep, I guess if his idea of humility is to submit to the world, in prideful defiance of the Lord, then it would indeed be at odds with facts, reason, morality, and proper stewardship.
Opposing Trump’s immorality is one thing, but doing so while claiming that morality has no place in politics when it comes to issues such as the imposition of abominable sin, and worse endorsing the extortion of Christians to sin, and to continue therein, by tolerating, affirming, and respecting abominable sin, exposes him as the fake, fraud, reprobate wolf that he is. Arguing with one fork of the tongue that politics should not supersede morality, while arguing the complete opposite with the other.
He’s such a fruit loop.
It’s always just a matter of time with this sort before they show their true colors .