THIS Denomination’s Own Projections Show Attendance Declining 98% by 2041

Mainline Protestant churches are dying, and we love it. One example is the pro-LGBTQ, pro-choice, pro-heresy Episcopal Church. At present, the irrelevant denomination has a median congregational age of 69. With no new blood coming in, and the majority of churches now having less than 40 members, the churches that are surviving are kept open and paying the bills only because congregants keep on dying and willing part of their estates to the church, but soon that well of corpse funding will dry up. This is also true for the PCUSA, whose congregants are almost as old and whose doctrine is equally putrid and gangrenous.

The ELCA is in a similar boat. Having lost nearly half its members since its founding in 1988, they are cruising for a bruising, according to Dwight Zscheile of Luther Seminary. He explains

According to projections from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America’s (ELCA) Office of Research and Evaluation, the whole denomination will have fewer than 67,000 members in 2050, with fewer than 16,000 in worship on an average Sunday by 2041.

That’s right: according to current trends, the church will basically cease to exist within the next generation. 

According to the denomination’s own studies, in less than 20 years the denomination’s numbers will drop precipitously, losing over 98% of their average weekly worshippers and baptized members.

We can’t wait.

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7 thoughts on “THIS Denomination’s Own Projections Show Attendance Declining 98% by 2041

  1. I worked in an Episcopal Church for almost 3 years. They teach heresy and those in the pew just sit there and take it in, when most in the church where I was, disagreed. They preach politics, period. There is no preaching of the Gospel. I also forgot how similar they were to the Catholic Church. Don’t you dare try to change their order of service or teach something new by way of music. I like liturgy and tradition, but they are in concrete and refuse to change except the leftist heresy that spews from the pulpit. I’ll never forget the Sunday when the diocese Deacon “preached” and spent the time talking about the climate hoax and good old Greta Thurnburg. What really got me was when he said “da** it, I agree with her.” I knew children were sitting out there, but not one person said anything after the service. The Minister knows they are in trouble. Their 2020 annual meeting was posted online for all to see and showed they would be dead in 10 years (if they make it that long) because of declining membership. He wanted the kids to hold up protest signs on Palm Sunday 2019 because Jesus really came in to Jerusalem “on a protest march.” Thankfully, that didnt happen. Now there is no children’s Sunday School of any kind after the plandemic. We think we have it bad now with millenials and snowflakes? We haven’t seen the worst yet.

    Each and every church is owned by the national office. The tax they levy on each church must be paid. Ministers are full-time employees while most of the smaller parishes hire part-time for everything else to skirt the benefits that would have to be paid to the full-time employees. Certainly the case where I was. Ministers have a pension and retirement plan so they aren’t worried about their future because the Episcopal Church sits on MILLIONS.

  2. GOD:
    Ezekiel 33:11 “Say to them, ‘As surely as I live, declares the Sovereign LORD, I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather that they turn from their ways and live.

    “Mainline Protestant churches are dying, and we love it.”

    1. Maybe the statement would have been better specifying unbiblical or heretical churches but equating God discussing the death of individuals versus the death of heretical organizations is apples and oranges, to say the least.

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