Doug Wilson Talks to ‘Meet the Press’ About His Church’s Goal to Convert the Whole Town

Meet the Press recently featured a segment on Christ Church in Moscow, Idaho, where Pastor Doug Wilson holds sway. Featured as part of a broader discussion concerning the rise of ‘Christian nationalism’ in the country, NBC’s Anne Thompson sought to understand Wilson and his church’s stated goal of converting the entire town and making everyone a Christian.
Christ Church, which also filmed the interview separate, put out their own video to that shows Wilson responding to criticisms and staving off accusations of theological avarice.
I make $100h while I’m venturing to the far corners of the planet. Last week I worked by my PC in Rome, Monti Carlo lastly Paris… This week I’m back in the USA. All I do are simple assignments from this one cool site. look at it, Duplicate Here→→→→→
The Reverend Dr. Elizabeth Stevens – hahahahahaha
leads the Unitarian Universalist Church of the Palouse – hahahahahahaha
I’m literally holding my breath waiting to be steered by her wisdom…
“I don’t see them representing the (Christian) values that “I” find in the Bible”
“Stevens position in the public square is visible for all to see – a stained glass rainbow chalice”
Is this the only “Christian” leader in Moscow they could find to oppose his views or just the one who parroted the narrative they wanted to convey?
My brain is exploding. The tone of this story is that Christians are a terror to the community. The media have always had this bias, it’s just been a touch more subtle until the last few years (2016 to be exact).
What is actually opposed here (with demonic fervor) is the concept of Christian missions. What Doug Wilson is trying to accomplish in his town is, first and foremost, what all Christians should be praying and actively striving for in our own towns, and it is the basis of every Christian mission ever. The wake-up call is that this is in America (Idaho even), not China or N. Korea. This is the now the country we live in – Christian influence is considered “despicable” (to quote the 2nd female “pastor” in the interview)
I’m still not sure what I think of Doug Wilson but he is in the heat of battle and he needs our prayers. Media attention like this paints an even bigger target on him, intentionally.
And I am far too mature to even discuss those eyebrows.
My last month paycheck was 11000 dollars… All I did was simple 0nline work from comfort at home for 3-4 hours/day that I got from this agency I discovered over the internet and they paid me 95 dollars every hour…
for more detail…
I make $100/h while I’m venturing to the far corners of the planet. Last week I worked by my PC in Rome, Mont Carlo lastly Paris… This week I’m back in the USA. All I do are simple assignments from this one cool site. look at it, Duplicate Here→→→→→
Taking to the satanic media is a dumb idea.
He’s doing so because a certain 3 letter agency was at Grace Agenda last month. They either have something on them or would use big tech to shut down their app and possibly their publishing arm. There was a noticeable difference in messaging to DW’s listeners starting with his response to ole Joe’s bloodred speech. Also, consider ‘baptist tranny gate’ put out by the crosspolitic guys which was pure garbage. DW’s listeners and readers have turned into fanboys and girls and can’t see that they’ve been co-opted.