‘Climate Vigil’: This Little Light Of Mine’ Become an Anthem for ‘Responding to Climate Change’

During a recent ‘Climate Vigil,‘ which join Christians from around the world to ”pray, sing, and reflect on what it means to be Christ-followers in the age of climate change,’ Rev. Kyle Meyaard-Schaap over saw a candle-lighting ceremony as the song ‘this little light of mine’ became a powerful anthem for responding to climate change.

Meyaard-Schaap serves as the Vice President of the Evangelical Environmental Network and is ordained in the Christian Reformed Church in North America (CRCNA), spending the last decade educating and mobilizing Christians around the world to “address the climate crisis as an act of discipleship and neighbor-love.” He explains as he closes out the vigil:

So friends are you ready to take Jesus at his word when he tells us that we are the light of the world? In just a minute all of us gathered around the globe are going to light our candles.

…You might be wondering ‘why candles?’ Why are we lighting candles in response to the climate crisis?’ Well one reason is because it’s prayer in action. Another reason is because it’s an act of resistance, of standing against the darkness and like our savior, refusing to let our light be overcome by it.

Now I’ll admit, lighting a candle can feel like a small thing, but as frail creatures in the face of the climate crisis, I think we have to admit to ourselves that sometimes all we can do are small things. But we believe as Christians that even small things done in faith those can move mountains.

That’s why we’re lighting candles and praying, because we believe that our God is big enough. Big enough to take our small efforts and do more with them than we could ever ask or imagine. That somehow in God’s mysterious economy of salvation, lighting a candle and praying for the climate crisis can make a difference. Maybe it can make all the difference in the world that’s why we pray and light our candles.

…So now friends, would you join me in lighting a candle as a symbol of our Christian commitment to responding to climate change with faith, hope and love? May our light shine before others to drive out the darkness and to glorify our Father in heaven, Amen.

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5 thoughts on “‘Climate Vigil’: This Little Light Of Mine’ Become an Anthem for ‘Responding to Climate Change’

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  2. Good grief. They certainly do need to pray for faith, because they obviously have none.

    The surface temperature of the Earth has been changing since as early as the flood and possibly before. The Earth’s orbit changes. The Moon’s orbit changes. The tilt of the Earth’s axis changes. The Earth’s gravitational field changes. Surface reflectivity changes. Cloud coverage changes. The Sun’s intensity changes, and so on. It constantly changes, in numerous overlapping long and short cycles, and it cannot be stopped from changing.

    After the fall, all of creation entered a fallen state. With the flood, creation was changed again. But the Bible is clear, in Genesis 9, that the changed creation that God set into motion after the flood is stable. He promised so. It’s possible that some of the above mentioned, or other, phenomena were different before the flood. Maybe the orbits didn’t change. Maybe there was no tilt. Maybe the magnetic field was fixed. Maybe there were no comets or other outside gravitational influences. Maybe there were no seasons. Maybe the Sun’s intensity was static. And maybe the Earth’s surface temperature was static. It’s likely the firmament’s purpose was replaced with the greenhouse effect, to keep temperatures within a habitable range, night or day, season to season. We don’t know. But since then, it has constantly changed for all sorts of natural reasons, and we know, as God promised, that creation in its current state is stable. God promised there will be seasons – spring, summer, fall, winter. And the Earth will not be destroyed again until He so decides, and it will happen exactly as the Bible says it will happen.

    I’m all for being good stewards of Creation, as God tells us to be, but this climate change mess is little short of a false religion.

    1. I forgot to mention volcanoes, have likely forgotten many more factors, and there are, no doubt, many more that are beyond my understanding.

      But it should be remembered that those cycles also change, due to outside and unknown influences, often unexpectedly. Comets can change orbits, then those gravitational forces can change other orbits, etc. So the temperature changes according to many overlapping cycles that also change themselves. Sometimes the changes are significant and fairly rapid – for example, the tilt of the axis has been known to change in unpredictable ways, as has the magnetic field.

      But all of that, and more, has occurred for thousands and thousands of years. There have been famines, droughts, floods, storms, etc. the entire time. Yet it all continues in motion like a well-oiled machine. Because the infinitely powerful, infinitely knowledgeable almighty God made it so. In its current state, Creation is not fragile. If it were fragile, we wouldn’t be here.

    2. There are more factors that come to mind, that I’ve remember just since last posting. But as an experienced software engineer, I can guarantee with absolute certainty, because it is basic math, that their models are woefully inadequate and incomplete. Given the number of factors, assuming we could even know them all (which we cannot), it is an astronomical combinatory problem. There isn’t enough computing power on the planet to even come close. They’re using an incomplete number of factors, modeling an incomplete number of mechanisms, and they are plugging in values for other variables that come from nowhere but their own imaginations.

      But if they tell you relatively small and gradual changes in temperature would be catastrophic, they are lying to you. That’s not science. And if they tell you they can stop the temperature from changing, they’re lying again. That’s not only not science, it’s flat-out rejection of science – it’s a cult.

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