TGC ‘Lets Talk’ Podcast Features Ladies Lyin’ and Acting the Fools over Critical Race Theory

The Gospel Coalition continues to put out some really loathsome content. Whether it be articles, videos, or podcasts, it’s gotten to the point where it’s almost easier to roll your eyes at it than it is to criticize it. A recent example is the Let’s talk” video that was put out a few days ago featuring Jackie Hill Perry, Jasmine Holmes, and Melissa Kruger featuring a discussion on race relations. Earlier, Jackie Hill Perry proffered the laughable claim that backlash to Critical Race Theory was “being used to limit” history lessons About Harriet Tubman. In this one, Jasmine Holmes mocks apologetics against destructive heresies, while sharing a few untruths along the way.

One notable moment would be the following interaction:

JACKIE HILL PERRY: Why has [critical race theory] become such a curse word, then?

JASMINE HOLMES: I think it’s easy because people don’t know what it is. So if you don’t fully understand it, it’s like, you guys remember when secular humanism was, like, all the rage?

PERRY: I don’t, actually, but tell me.

HOLMES: Oh my gosh, do you remember?

MELISSA KRUGER: I remember that word, but I’m not sure.

HOLMES: I’m a child of the ’90s, and I was, like, a Christian in the ’90s, so, like, secular humanism was, like, the bad thing. That was the thing that we were all, like, really supposed to be looking out for, was secular humanism. And if you said, “What is secular humanism?” People would be, like, “It’s secular. And it’s humanist. And you have to be careful about it. Because it is both humanist and secular.”

And so, like, teenage Jasmine was like, “I gotta be careful, because secular humanists are,” and then it was like, post-modernism. And it was like, “What’s post-modernism?” “Well, it’s just not being traditional. It’s, like, non-traditional.” “Oh, okay.”

And then there was a little stint, there was a little season in there where it was like evolution was going to take down the Christian, like, we needed to know how to argue with an evolutionist. It was a very important, it was like you, the seven days of creation, get into it, because they’re coming after you. They’re coming after you next.

So, like, it’s always, I just feel like critical race theory is our new villain now. And it’s an easy one because it’s so hard to understand.

h/t to what is one of the finest primacy sources in Christendom today, @WokePreacherTV, who provided the clips plus the transcript.

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10 thoughts on “TGC ‘Lets Talk’ Podcast Features Ladies Lyin’ and Acting the Fools over Critical Race Theory

  1. Most people don’t know that Mizz Perry solicited funds via GoFundMe for her wedding since she couldn’t afford the one she wanted. I had heard a little about her and listen to one of her videos. Flags began to go up the longer I listened to it. Then I saw her appeal for funds and that was it for me because my “vibe” meter (that has never been wrong) said “stay away.” I wonder if she accepted money then from white people? Bet she did

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    2. That’s so creepy that she asked for donations for her wedding! Thanks for mentioning that. It was news to me.

      And yes, I’m sure she accepted White People Money as a down payment on reparations.

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