NAMB and McRaney enter stipulation agreement that advances discovery. New trial date set.

(Capstone Report) Discovery moves closer in Will McRaney’s defamation and torturous interference lawsuit against the North American Mission Board (NAMB) of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC). NAMB’s attorneys agreed to not withhold discovery based on some of its remaining claims. The agreement was set out in a Joint Stipulation filed February 9, 2022, with the federal court in Mississippi.

According to the agreement, “Pursuant to the Opinion and Judgment by the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit filed July 16, 2020 (mandate issued December 3, 2020) [Dkt. No. 68], and this Court’s Order Denying Defendant’s Motion for Partial Summary Judgment as Premature and Directing the Completion of Discovery [Dkt. No. 93], NAMB agrees it will not withhold any discovery responses on the basis of its First Amendment defenses or objections, including in response to discovery requests served by Plaintiff prior to the date of this Stipulation.”

In other words, NAMB agrees to abide by the Judge’s ruling of January 12, 2022. This moves discovery closer to happening.

Also, because NAMB has so far stalled discovery, the judge was forced to…

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Editor’s Note. This article was originally written and posted at Capstone Report

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2 thoughts on “UPDATE: McRaney v NAMB

  1. I feel sorry for Kevin Ezelle. I have personally been in meetings where he berated people publicly and shamefully, once almost to the point where it was going to turn into a fight and the moderator had to stop the meeting for about an hour for things to cool down. He needs to be reigned in. But my thinking is that when the settlement amount becomes obvious, the trustees will need to ask Ezelle to leave and offer him a golden parachute. From what I understand, there are long lines of individuals willing to testify against Kevin and almost none to come to testify positively on his behalf. May God’s justice rule in these decisions. Romans 12:19 Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.”

  2. I had Will McRaney as a professor at NOBTS. He was an absolute joke. He rarely showed up for class and became furious once when a student went to the department head and asked if the professor was coming that day. When he was in class, he was just as useless. It seemed he just enjoyed getting a paycheck from the Cooperative Program without putting in any work. At the time, he was also a church planter, so I’m guessing there was some double-dipping going on.

    I’m no fan of the NAMB, but a more credible whistle blower is needed.

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