Lecrae’s Record Company Drops Artist After He Sends Several Scandalous Pics

Reach Records has dropped producer and Christian artist GAWVI (real name Gabriel Alberto Azucena) after it was revealed that he’s been sending unsolicited nude pictures of himself to women for years, removing him from the label and booting him from the upcoming ‘We are Unashamed Tour’, which was announced just 8 days before.

The brouhaha flared up after GAWVI revealed over the weekend that he was divorcing his wife, Brianna Azucena, after being separated since 2020, in a since-deleted Instagram post, writing :

“We did everything we could to make it work for years, but after seeking the support of friends, family and counseling, I came to an extremely hard decision to move forward in a direction that I felt would be healthiest. There is no scandal to gossip about, just 2 adults that made decisions that lead to this point. And if you know me, you know I hate divorce and I’m not here to promote it.”

This resulted in Brianna’s friend, visual artist and designer Cataphant taking to Twitter and raking GAWVI over the coals for his behavior, while also sticking up for his wife who has been for the last year lamenting on her now-private Instagram account for a marriage rocked by infidelity.

In follow-up messages, she reveals that those at Reach Records have known about the situation with him for a while and confronted him about it, but he was unwilling to change. Finally, with the scrutiny becoming too much to bear over the divorce announcement, they had to formally cut ties.

Our question would be if this: if his scandalous activity was known for such a long time, why did Lecrae and his label announce that he was joining them on their “We are Unashamed” tour? which is named after a bible verse about being unashamed of the gospel, less than a week ago? You know this guy is radioactive- why have him on tour?

We have reached out to Reach Records and will update this post accordingly.

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6 thoughts on “Lecrae’s Record Company Drops Artist After He Sends Several Scandalous Pics

    1. Hey Guys, $82/hr on the computer. She has been without work for 10 months but last month her income was $20505 just working YHs on the computer for a few hours.
      pop over to this website…………………VISIT HERE

  1. John Calvin once said, “Let us not lift ourselves proudly above other men, as though we were more worthy than they are, for we know that it is our God that has chosen us, and sets us apart from others, by His mere goodness and free mercy.” This doesn’t apply to me. I AM better than others.

    1. Hey, look at Johnny actually quoting Calvin. How sad you have absolutely no clue who he is 🙂
      You remain a clueless dumbass, and Calvin would absolutely agree.

      1. I’m actually not Johnny, to be honest, just another anonymous reader who has observed you routinely uttering profane and graceless gibberish. You are far too proud to legitimately call yourself a disciple of Jesus Christ, who described His disciples as “meek” among other things. The fact that you immediately assumed I was Johnny, and lambasted me thinking I was him, clearly demonstrates your conceitedness. Your arrogance is so extreme that even the Holy Word of God, which I have cited in rebuke to you, much less the wise words of John Calvin, are not sufficient enough for you to recognize your error and see your need to repent. In this you far surpass Balaam, who was rebuked by a mere donkey; the word of God you do not recognize, nor the wisdom of His faithful servants like Calvin.

        1. Such pompous piosity. Rebuke yourself, pharasee!
          You come to a website run by one of the most pugnacious religious critics on the internet and breathlessly pontificate – not about me calling Johnny (likely your boyfriend) a ‘godless sodomite,’ (which he clearly is), but a dim-witted donkey. If you consider that profane, you are clearly not very intelligent (please know I exercised grace here). The fact you post using my name instead of your own confirms you are also a coward.
          I have absolutely no interest in impressing anyone here – God is my judge and the only one I fear – and I will gleefully continue to truthfully address people according to their statements/wordview.

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