Pastor of Canada’s Third Largest Church Accused of Sexual Misconduct, Put on Leave

Bruxy Cavey, the pastor of one of Canada’s largest churches, one of the country’s most recognizable religious leaders, and also a rank heretic was put on leave by his board pending an external investigation after a woman came forward accusing him of sexual misconduct.
Cavey pastors the Meeting House, a 5000-member multi-campus megachurch in Oakville, ON. He is also a false teacher, who denies penal substitutionary atonement, biblical inerrancy, and has an unbiblical view of the sin of homosexuality, the eternality of hell, and openness to open-theism, For more information on Cavey’s many false beliefs, click here.
Maggie John, chair of the Meeting House board, release a brief statement, writing:
“In the week of November 29th, the Overseers Board was made aware of allegations of sexual misconduct by Bruxy Cavey, Teaching Pastor at The Meeting House.
Bruxy has now been placed on a leave of absence while an external investigation takes place. We take these allegations very seriously and are committed to a thorough and transparent process. We are praying through this situation.”
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Wolves dont have the Holy Spirit to change them into a new creation in Christ. What more can we expect from unsaved pagans. He let his flesh rule him!