Francis Collins Defends Fetal Tissue Research in New Interview, Says God would Approve

Last month we wrote about how National Institutes of Health (NIH) Director Francis Collins, the acclaimed scientist, geneticist, and professing Christian, released a statement for PRIDE month where he publically revealed himself to be thoroughly compromised on the Christian’s view of LGBTQ issues and the scriptures, offering them his personal support as an “ally” and regurgitating all the progressive talking points he could muster.
Coupled with him being the founder of BioLogos, the self-described “Christian organization” that seeks to bridge the bible and evolution while insisting that humans evolved from apes 200,000 years ago and that Adam and Eve never actually existed, along with his low view of Church where he made the case that in-person public schooling is a higher priority than in-person church, openly supporting doing experiments on fetal tissue on account that he doesn’t believe human embryos to be life, but only ‘potential life” and refusing to condemn “pregnant people” language, we have no reason to suppose that this man is a brother.
Now, in his first public interview since announcing he was stepping down from his position as the Director of NIH, Collins again defended his position on using the bodies of aborted babies for scientific experimentation.
“When you get into the details of a particular issue, it often turns out that the conflict that people would assume to be insurmountable can be put into a place where it makes sense; both as a person of faith who believes in the sanctity of human life and the person of science who’s trying to come up with ways that science can save lives. Human fetal tissue is just one of those examples.”
Collins goes on to argue that experimenting on discarded baby parts makes the most sense, and that critics must “recognize, after all, that people have elective terminations of pregnancy every day, and those materials are being discarded.”
“Suppose it was possible on a rare instance for something that’s about to be discarded with full consent after the decision by the mother to be used to develop something that might save somebody’s life. In that case, I think even God could look at that and go, ‘OK, it’s not the thing that I would have wanted to see happening. Still, as an ethical choice between discarding or using for some benevolent purpose, maybe that’s defensible.’ Now that will make some people uneasy.”
Collins has previously defended the use of fetal cell tissue experimentations, telling CNA in a May 2020 interview.
“I would be the first to say we should not be creating or destroying embryos- human embryos- for research, and we should not be terminating pregnancies for research.
But if there are embryos that are left over after in vitro fertilization- and the hundreds of thousands that are never going to be used for anything, they’ll be discarded- I think it is ethical to consider ways in which research might make it possible to utilize that information to help somebody.”
“And likewise, if there are hundreds of thousands of fetuses that are otherwise being discarded through what is a legal process in this country, we ought to think about whether it is more ethical to throw them away, or in some rare instance to use them for research that might be life saving.”
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In short: “It’s legal, therefore it’s ethical, therefore it’s moral, therefore God would approve”
Same old backwards, fallacious (and stupid) “reasoning” that contributes to the baseless circular reasoning of moral relativism. But that is progressives/democrats for you. They decide what they want, and then work backwards desperately spinning, twisting, and contorting in order to try to justify it – essentially trying to take God’s place.
God does not answer to US law, you dummies. When He established what’s right and wrong, He didn’t consult the blasted US government to get its opinion.
How can otherwise very intelligent people be so stupid?
He isn’t stupid. He knows what they’re doing is wrong , and therefore needs to spin it to soothe his seared conscience.
Probably the same “reasoning” he used to justify funding gain-of-function experiments, and then lying about it. I believe his conscience is pretty much seared to the point that it no longer exists.
Wouldn’t you know, not long after I posted, it was reported that the RNC has officially embraced, endorsed, and celebrated abominable sin. I shouldn’t have left them out. They did exactly the same backwards thing.
As it stands now, I will not be voting at all in any future elections. I cannot accept, support, condone, affirm, endorse, or celebrate abominable sin, nor can I vote for any party that does.
I don’t know what part of “I can’t support that” republicans have been unable to comprehend, considering Christians have been repeating it for years, and there are many related court cases, but it’s too late now. They’ve officially made it impossible for Christians to vote without supporting it, short of a meaningless, inconsequential write-in.
My only objective at this point is to stay out of God’s way, stand back and watch. We know what’s coming. And it’s coming soon.
I respected him once — for about 10 minutes.