Todd White Says Jesus BECAME Child Por******* and Bestia**** on the Cross

“Christ was not guilty, and could not be made guilty; but he was treated as if he were guilty, because he willed to stand in the place of the guilty. Yea, he was not only treated as a sinner, but he was treated as if he had been sin itself in the abstract. This is an amazing utterance. The sinless one was made to be sin.” (Spurgeon)
In a clip roiling with bad theology, charismatic evangelist and professional cold-reader and leg-lengthener Todd White has claimed that Jesus became a God-hater and child pornography itself on the cross, in some bizarre and brazen take on 2 Corinthians 5:21 “God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God”
For a brief time, many had thought the notorious heretic had repudiated his false beliefs after delivering an emotional sermon where he admitted he was not preaching the full gospel– leaving people to wonder if he’d been saved. We put on our discernment caps and explained this is how we would know he was repentant. Sadly, the next week he demonstrated that he was not.
Now, instead of having sound doctrine which would understand Jesus never sinned and at no point did he become a sinner or guilty or sin. Instead, Christ became our representative sin-bearer, identifying completely with our sin, resulting in the Father treating the son as if he were sin itself, though he never actually became that. For White, however, he has a unique take on it. From his October 13, 2021 service:
It’s all about this stuff, like when we say Jesus, who knew no sin, became sin, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus in Corinthians, right? Jesus became a gossip, a murderer, full of strife, deceit and malice. Wasn’t in his mouth, was on his body.
Oh, you have to hear this man. Jesus who knew no sin, became sin. Paul describes sin; gossip, slander. Imagine Jesus as a gossip. You can’t. He didn’t do it. He became it. I’m like seeing this for the first time. Like I’ve read the Scripture so many times that I’m seeing it and I’m like, ‘you (Jesus) became gossip.’
What!? It’s hard for us to think about it because Jesus, never gossiped. But he became gossip. On the tree he became gossip. On the tree became a slander. Did he slander, no, he became it! He became enslaved, became haughty, he became boastful, he became an inventor of evil.
Jesus became an inventor of evil on that tree. Jesus became child pornography on that tree. Listen! Jesus became full of child pornography on the tree. Jesus became a thief on the tree. Jesus became addiction on the tree. Jesus became a hater of God on the tree. What does it mean for him to become sin? Jesus became lost on the tree. Jesus became Satan worship on a tree.
Are you hearing me? This is really hard to even say, yet it’s true. What does it mean that he knew no sin but became sin? Jesus became bestiality on a tree. Jesus became sex-trafficking on a tree. Oh my gosh. Jesus became every lustful thought on a tree. It’s no joke, it’s real. Jesus became child molester on a tree. Jesus became Taliban: Christian murderer on a tree. Jesus became sacrificing babies on a tree.
Jesus, our Jesus became that on the tree. That’s what it means when he who knew no sin became sin.
h/t to Revealing Truth for the vid
The sad part is people sit under his tutelage and listen to his blasphemous nonsense.