Jim Bakker Makes Final Plea: ‘I Need $1M in Next Week or My Show is Done’

Televangelist Jim Bakker took the airwaves to claim that this really is the end of it, that he has less than a week to raise a million dollars in funds or else the network is going cancel his broadcast – a fund-raising endeavor unlikely to be achieved.

Bakker has long been struggling financially, particularly since last year when the credit card companies cut him off and reduced him to only taking checks to support his ever-dwindling ministry, the result of continued fallout and legal action after seeking to sell colloidal silver as a cure-all for the novel coronavirus in 2020.

A few months ago he was on air pleading with people to buy a $1000 miracle blanket, demonstrating that with this desperate new venture, his ministry is basically being held together by duct tape, chewing gum, and bottled demon tears at this point. His newest cry for help makes this even more clear.

I’ve been told that the network’s going to cancel my broadcast within another week. We’ve got to catch up on the bills, and that’s about a million dollars…We lost millions in finances due to the legal battles we have fought; losing our ability to receive donations by credit cards for over a year has left us in a desperate state. What the devil has tried to do is silence our voice! I’m asking you, as a friend and long-time supporter of this ministry, as valuable partners, will you help us turn this wolf away from our door? We’re not crying wolf, our door…would break down if the wolf comes in. Because he’s there. He’s at the door. He’s not near the door, he’s at the door.

At the same time, because he is a supreme huckster, he may have found his niche; modeling his business after stores that have had huge signs that had said “Going out of business! Everything 50% off!” for the last 30 years. If nothing else, this pitiful cry might be the new perpetual bait that serves to chum up the waters for his ignorant and ailing audience.

[Editor’s note: The only wolf involved in this story is Jim Bakker.]

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9 thoughts on “Jim Bakker Makes Final Plea: ‘I Need $1M in Next Week or My Show is Done’

  1. Thank God a seemingly adequate number of individuals are wise enough to realize that Bakker has nothing to do with spreading the Gospel and everything to do with making money scaring people into buying overpriced crap.

  2. Jim Bakker is a crook, thief, and huckster, and that’s bad, but I’m not sure why Right Wing Watch is preoccupied with him, as if it is a political matter. Last I checked there are plenty of crooks, thieves, and hucksters to be found left, right and everywhere in between.

  3. Anyone else notice that ever since Protestia started allowing ads again, the comment section is riddled with Spam comments? It’s really annoying.

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  5. They dont seem to care either because it is only getting worse! Why else would they allow the comment section to go to the dogs?

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