$162,995 Watch? $195 Socks? $690 Sandals? Round-Up of Preachers N Sneakers, Prophets N Watches

Not a lot has been going on with these pages this past month, but there are a few pastors/evangelical superstars out there sporting some interesting items, courtesy of Preachers N Sneakers and Prophets N Watches.

Mike Todd of Transformation Church in Tulsa, OK with some $1990 Jordan shoes. You’ll recall last month he was wearing a $2720 jacket.

Gospel singer Kirk Franklin, who we last saw delivering a Vile, Profanity-Laced Diatribe Against his Son, wearing the $195 Gucci Socks and $690 sandals combination.

Pastor Ron Carpenter, who famously filed suit after being told he would receive $6.25 million dollars if he transitioned his Church to Pastor John Gray, wearing $850 Prada shoes.

Bethel Church’s Brian Johnson wearing that $10K Rolex

Last is money-grubbing heretic and prosperity preacher Guillermo Maldonado bringing up the rear, with a $162,995 Patek Watch.

You can see more pastors wearing pricey watches HERE.

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7 thoughts on “$162,995 Watch? $195 Socks? $690 Sandals? Round-Up of Preachers N Sneakers, Prophets N Watches

  1. I’ll never be a famous preacher with this stupid Seiko watch. Anyone know where I can get a decent fake Rolex?

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