Charisma News Continue to Promote and Laud Famous Trinity Denier, Surprising No One

Charisma News continues to be a source of promoting whatever polluting spiritual waste they can scrape from the sewers- this time an article/ press release promoting the wonderful anniversary celebrated by the famed Modalist, and then a video showing his church service.

“Bishop T.D. Jakes’ Dallas, Texas, church, The Potter’s House, celebrated its 25th anniversary on Sunday, July 4, with fanfare, memories and powerful prophetic words, and the signing of a vision statement by Jakes and other bishops….

“There is before us a divine and a holy assignment that I believe to be very significant for what God would have us to do in the 21st century,” ” Jakes told the church before introducing the vision statement…

This all the while reminding us that “Time magazine once called Jakes “America’s Best Preacher” and “The Next Billy Graham”

Far from an orthodox Trinitarian, T. D. Jakes has gone on record as saying he doesn’t believe that Jesus is the second person of the Trinity, but rather is just a “manifestation” of God. In fact, even now his church website reads “There is one God, Creator of all things, infinitely perfect, and eternally existing in three manifestations: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.”

Jakes is a rank heretic and has been for decades. It is unquestionable, but Charisma doesn’t care, as they’ll endorse and purveyor of spiritual strychnine for a couple of cents; their discernment nonexistent and their consciences have been seared years ago.

This is not the first time they have promoted and endorsed Jakes. They have a long history of it, and because they have no regard for the love of truth or foundational Christian doctrine, it won’t be the last.

Editor’s Note. This article was written by Pastor Ed Litton and published at

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