Sermon-Supplying ‘Docent Research Group’ Slams Plagiarizers, Calls Them Thieves and ‘Cheaters’

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The founder of the Docent Research Group, one of the organizations that have been caught up in the Ed Litton plagiarism scandal after it was discovered that Greear has used them in the past for his own sermons, and may have even used them for the stolen sermons in question , has commented on how we ought to consider pastors who plagiarize.
Not on the current situation- goodness no. Founder and President Glenn Lucke has set his Twitter to private and has not said a word ever since Reformation Charlotte broke the news two weeks ago. Neither has former writers for the group, Jared C Wilson or BJ Stockman, among others. Rather, this repudiation comes from an article he wrote for the Gospel Coalition over 10 years ago, where Lucke answers the question of when has a pastor crossed the line in his sermons. He wrote in part:
…The concept of plagiarism addresses at least two concerns: (1) taking material from another and (2) representing another’s work as one’s own. In short, stealing and cheating.
...Does reciting a minority portion of another’s sermon without attribution constitute plagiarism? Without permission, yes (stealing). With permission? No. Does reciting another’s sermon nearly verbatim without attribution constitute plagiarism? Yes, because even with permission such a practice activates plagiarism’s second concern, cheating. Ask yourself, “Why would a follower of the Truth take credit for the work of another?”…If the bulk of a message is from another, regardless of permission, briefly attribute the source(s). If you fear such candor would diminish you, crucify your ego. Or simply don’t use the material.
These guys are the experts in doing sermons and sermon prep for pastors, and Ed Litton and his team are guilty on all counts.
Editor’s Note. This article was written by Pastor Ed Litton and published at
Is he being facetious when saying Pastor Ed Litton wrote this article?
I’m sure Docent thinks every mega church pastor should have his own account.
I’m still wondering if we know how many women write these sermons. I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s why those guys just hem and haw around when asked about female pastors. Some of our famous mega church pastors are clearly little more than well meaning stage actors. Someone else writes their scripts. It shows. It has for a while. Could there be a valid reason so many of their sermons sound like a 30 year old female biden voter wrote them?