Breaking: Gov’t Forced to Drop Charges Against Illegally Jailed Canadian Pastor

The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms has announced that the contempt of court charge against Pastor Tim Stephens of Calgary’s Fairview Baptist Church has been dropped and will not be given a hearing, lifting the specter of further arrest on that charge. For now.
The move comes after it was discovered that Alberta Health Services (AHS), the manically prosecutorial organization that has been responsible for jailing three pastors and locking their churches, never actually served the court order for which Pastor Stephens was arrested and thrown in jail.
In fact, they served the court order to a different Tim Stephens, and by the time they arrested the pastor, the court order he was charged with had already been abrogated and modified by a judge, making it so that it wouldn’t have applied to him anyway.

Because AHS messed up twice, Stephens was incarcerated illegally, the victim of a rabid government entity hellbent on persecuting anyone who doesn’t abide by their anti-scientific rhetoric.
Ultimately, it took three days for JCCF to secure Stephens’ release, but this was three days too many. Stephens is out and completely free, with the case against him being dropped and the AHS licking their wounds as they plot their next line of attack.
Despite the contempt of court charge being dropped, Pastor Tim Stephens and his congregation are not in the clear. Like Pastor James Coates and GraceLife Church, they have gone underground and been meeting in secret in order to stave off further attention and persecution.
Pray for the persecuted church of Alberta.