The Wokefication of World Vision: ‘White Male Gaze’ and Why White Christians Desire White Primacy

World Vision’s online course designed to equip churches and pastors to understand “racial justice” is a hotbed of Critical Race Theory, unbiblical syncretism, and radical progressivism, infecting the organization and resulting in the wokefication of World Vision and a denial of some core tenets of the Christian Faith.

Discovered through their monthly “May We Be One: Pastors pursuing Racial Justice” course, this is part two in a five-part series exposing the extent that CRT has compromised the mission of the famed NGO (See Part one for more information on these courses).

In this case, Dr. Soong-Chan Rah, Professor at North Park Theological Seminary and one of the primary moderators for World Vision, explains the CRT concept of “white male gaze” and the ways it is designed to frame black people as a threat, resulting in the propensity of White Christians to “act instinctively to preserve that narrative of white superiority” and “act naturally, instinctively, to preserve…the narrative of white superiority.”

Whose perspective determines the perspective of society? Willie Jennings [of Yale Divinity School] talks about the four quadrants of relationships, a four-part relationship, between the white male, the black male, the white female, and the black female. And that interrelationship between these four oftentimes is determined by the gaze or perspective of the white male.

In other words, how the white male views the others determines how the rest of society views the other. So, for example, when the white male gazes upon the black male, how is that black male perceived? The black male is perceived in such a way that the rest of society views the black male in the same way. So, when the white male sees the black male, that black male is a threat.

In fact, if you think about the six o’clock news and what leads every single news report on the six o’clock local news, what is the most scary, threatening person in our society according to the six o’clock news? It is the unidentified black male

…Now that threat of the black male is translated in a lot of different ways, and one of the ways is translated is the gaze issue again, the perspective, when the black male looks at the white female, that is oftentimes conceived as a very real threat.

Narratives are like a good actor in a good TV show or in a movie. So there are good actors who use something called method acting. In method acting, what they do is they embody the character so deeply that they reflexively and improvisationally, impulsively act out of that character. So, for example, if Robert De Niro is playing a mobster in a movie shoot, and you run into him at a Starbucks, don’t talk to him, because he’s so into that character, he’ll respond to you like he’s an actual mobster.

So that embodied character, getting so deeply into that character that your instinct, your reflex, what you improvise, comes out of that character, that’s what narratives do. And so these narratives have been played out over and over again. The unidentified black male. The superiority of white culture over other culture. The demeaning of other cultures and the elevating of this culture.

When that narrative gets played out over and over again, we end up embedding that character into our imagination, our value system, our worldview, and we act improvisationally, instinctively, reflectively, reflexively, out of that character.

One of the questions we want to grapple with as we go through this material is what are the ways that we act instinctively to preserve that narrative of white superiority, white primacy? What are the ways we act naturally, instinctively, to preserve or act into that narrative of white superiority?”

h/t to @wokepreachertv for the clip and most of the transcript. Everyone should follow him on Twitter, Gab, and YouTube.

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10 thoughts on “The Wokefication of World Vision: ‘White Male Gaze’ and Why White Christians Desire White Primacy

  1. You’re so racist you don’t know you’re racist and if you say you’re not racist that’s evidence that you’re racist. Just like all other anti-white racism, there is no specific complaint, just a lot of generalities about some kind of ethereal “injustice” that’s unique to non-whites. It’s the societal equivalent of a woman saying “you should know what’s wrong” instead of actually stating a grievance.

  2. I desire white privacy.
    Especially as I use a public restroom.

    btw, Critical race theory is a lie from the pit.
    Had some not unlocked, and opened it……

  3. Let’s teach our children to see others only through the lens of character. Then this CRT will absolutely be water off a duck’s back.

  4. Does he have any clue that most of the the World Vision budget has been given from the earnings of white males?

    In all honestly- what is the endgame for all this indoctrination to Christians? What is the goal of his “preaching”? That we simply can’t along? That we should hate each other? The world says that- not Christ.

    The logical conclusion of these indoctrination sessions is simply that. All Christian people of goodwill should shout him down at these training events.

    He is anathema.

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