DC Talk’s Kevin Max Renounces His Faith, Promotes ‘Universal Christ’

They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us. 1 John 2:19
Ex-‘Jesus Freak’ Kevin Max has announced on social media that he considers himself to be an “exvangelical” and that that he has been “deconstructing” his faith for years, for all intents and purposes revealing himself to have become a progressive pagan who has renounced orthodox Christianity and now holds to some weird form of belief in the “Universal Christ”.
Max, 53, who is best known as one-third of the trio DC Talk, has spent the last year taking potshots at “narrow minded-judgmental evangelicals” and got the ball rolling to an even greater degree on Twitter when he said:

He followed it up with a few more points of clarification, writing:

Lest there was any doubt, the singer, whose Twitter bio describes himself as a “Leftist” Mystic” and “Liberal”, also came out as Pro-LGBTQIA and in a later tweet came out as pro-choice (“Prolife with exceptions”)

He further posted this song lyric from a recent album, explaining that it encapsulates where is he is right now spiritually. He says he still “believes in Jesus” but it’s pretty evident it’s a deity of his own making, according to the lusts of his flesh, with his talk of the “glowing universal Christ.’

In an interview with Gabriel Jones, Kevin also explains that he no longer believes that the bible is literal or accurate or true, telling him:
“I believe in a God of the universe, and I believe that He can hear me. And that, in itself, is just plain kind of crazy. But if I believe that, then I truly believe that He cares about my progression and asking questions and wanting to know what is real and what isn’t real…I don’t think the God that I believe in is going to just all of a sudden ignore me because I don’t believe every single thing that’s written down somewhere.”
Now is about as good a time as any to pray that in His providence, God saves him.
Awww, I used to like that song ‘Jesus Freak.’
But CCM is probably a whole fake industry. Every week one of them pops up and says “well now that I’ve made my fortune off Christians, I guess I’ll fess up that I don’t really believe any of this stuff. Haven’t for years.” K-LOV and AirOne music are great in the car, not in the worship service.
yep, and we see it happen a lot. Even when christian music became popular in the 80’s and Amy Grant said she needed to produce another album because she was running out of money. So sad. But most christians don’t really care about the words, the album covers or their lifestyles. These are not even servants of the most high living God. And many have forgotten their Sonship and authority. God Bless
This is why we don’t put our faith in men
I feel I should correct this: Don’t be a fool and put your faith in celebrity Christian pastors/entertainers.
yep, and we see it happen a lot. Even when christian music became popular in the 80’s and Amy Grant said she needed to produce another album because she was running out of money. So sad. But most christians don’t really care about the words, the album covers or their lifestyles. These are not even servants of the most high living God. And many have forgotten their Sonship and authority. God Bless
Yet another ‘celebrity’ who decided he prefers his personal favorite sins to Biblical Christianity.
Wide path. Narrow gate.
Pro-love? more like pro-love-of-the-world.
Not long before Jesus’ words in John 16:2 apply to North American church; “They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service.”
We love you Kevin your band is the first ever compact disc I bought coming to America for the first time in 1997 a virgin a Filipino a high school
Grad rushed to Tower Records Market street looked for DC Talk CD! It wasn’t in the ground floor asked the lady would
You have DC Talk (the First and Greatest Gospel Trio on earth) she said it’s upstairs took the elevator to the upper floor and behold the lamb of God Jesus printed on the cd under a tiny rack of cd’s labeled gospel. 1 out of 1Million cd’s I chose Jesus by DC Talk. 17 years old a virgin getting ready to listen to DC Talk I love you. I wish you never broke up I am Rene Teotico III from La Salle Green Hills. I am a Sephardic Jew we conquered the Philippines in 1521 we are the only Christian Nation in SouthEast Asia surrounded by Japan China Indonesia Malaysia we are still we settled here got married have a wife and child and we are praying for love marriage reconciliation church unity from EveryNation this we pray in Jesus name Amen. Isaiah54:17 you are healed you are blessed you are alive a dc talk a newsboy loved by the Lord we love you Kevin Max we love you Dad your spiritual Jesus freak son!🇵🇭💞🇺🇸🏡🕊 AniOhevOthka
Hi Kevin come visit the Philippines with Michael Turner from Battery band and Boo Radley and Every Nation Church Victory Christian Fellowship send us airdrop food canned goods we are hungry we are stuck at home no one is hiring we are jobless for 13 months since Covid happened worldwide we are staying alive we love you help us Sir
You are healed Kevin! Snap out of if you are a DC Talk a Leader a Father a Husaband
Protect your testimony Sir do not stumble or fall
Now supernatural remember now go and do likewise continue your faith do no fear do not be discouraged! Remember Daniel exiled in Babylon aka Babylan islands here in Philippines read Daniel 12 lead to righteousness everlasting life not everlasting shame let’s go rise up again our friend our father our Kevin Max our love
“The greatest single cause of atheism in the world today is Christians who acknowledge Jesus with their lips, walk out the door and deny Him with their lifestyle. That is what an unbelieving world simply finds unbelievable.” ” What if I stumble/What if I fall/ What if lose my step and I make fools of us all/ Will the love continue when my walk becomes a crawl/ What if I stumble and/ What if I fall” I hope Kevin remembers that song. I am praying that Jesus will touch his heart and get him back on the right path. The guy has incredible talent. I pray he will use that talent again to glorify the Lord.