Charismatic Pretends to Cast Out Demon in Hilariously Fake Exorcism

A charismatic “prophetess” and her “apostle” husband have posted a video on social media of a hilariously fake exorcism at one of their revival meetings, a performance that makes Todd White’s leg-lengthening parlor trick look like Jesus’ feeding of the 5000 in comparison.
Jennifer Martin, a “prophetic healing evangelist” based in the Nashville area who claims to “both minister and preach in the Glory, blazing a trail of reformation, miracles, healings, signs and wonders, and intense outbreaks of the glory of God,” and is a member of Che Ahn’s apostolic network called H.I.M., uploaded the video of the alleged demonic encounter that took place during their tent revival meetings.
[Editor’s note: Warning: this is so uncomfortably embarrassing to watch it’s not even funny. My browser crashed three times in a desperate attempt to not display it, even as my hard drive whined and whimpered in pain to have to host it while it uploaded to the cloud.]
[Editor’s note 2: I don’t even want to describe what the heck is happening. This makes the Office’s “Scott’s Tots” or “The Dinner Party” look like “Schindler List.” All we will say is, to quote a commentator on the video, “She told the ‘demon’ to repeat after her and to bind the other demons to himself. The demon cast out the other demons. LOL! Then she had to tell the guy it was over and he could stand back up.”]
When told that this video is both clearly fake and blasphemous, Martin responded:

here is where I insert the face palm emoj…
So that’s how it’s done? Somebody needs to put a call into the Catholic Church…
The thing that gets me is that she cast a demon out of the very same man the next night at her next meeting. When I pointed this out she made it so I could not longer comment on her posts.