Famed Atheist Group Strips Richard Dawkins of ‘Humanist of the Year’ Award for Anti-Trans Tweets

The American Humanist Association, whose motto is ‘Good without a God,’ has stripped their highest honor from the famed atheist Richard Dawkins, issuing a press release stating that they have rescinded his 1996 award on account of a history of tweets he has made questioning/ disparaging transgenderism and the scientific basis for it.

Established in 1953, the Humanist of the Year Award is conferred annually by the American Humanist Association (AHA), recognizing the awardee as an exemplar of humanist values. Communication of scientific concepts to the public is an important aspect of advancing the cause of humanism. Richard Dawkins was honored in 1996 by the AHA as Humanist of the Year for his significant contributions in this area.

“Regrettably, Richard Dawkins has over the past several years accumulated a history of making statements that use the guise of scientific discourse to demean marginalized groups, an approach antithetical to humanist values. His latest statement implies that the identities of transgender individuals are fraudulent, while also simultaneously attacking Black identity as one that can be assumed when convenient. His subsequent attempts at clarification are inadequate and convey neither sensitivity nor sincerity.

Consequently, the AHA Board has concluded that Richard Dawkins is no longer deserving of being honored by the AHA, and has voted to withdraw, effective immediately, the 1996 Humanist of the Year award.”

Dawkins for his part has not yet responded to the loss of the award

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4 thoughts on “Famed Atheist Group Strips Richard Dawkins of ‘Humanist of the Year’ Award for Anti-Trans Tweets

  1. Sounds like a badge of honor being disowned by that collective of pathetic moro…er… individuals.

  2. Richard Dawkins has been a champion for those who do not see fit to acknowledge God then he acts surprised when those same people are given up to a depraved mind.

  3. Dawkins has bigger things to worry about I would imagine such as his appointment with the Lord Jesus to give an account for his life.

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