Nearly 1,000 Church Leaders Sign Letter Opposing Vaccine Passports

(Christian Today) Some 948 church leaders have added their names to an open letter opposing the introduction of vaccine passports. 

The letter, to be sent to Boris Johnson and the devolved nations’ first ministers, calls the introduction of vaccine passports “one of the most dangerous policy proposals ever to be made in the history of British politics”.

The church leaders warn of a “medical apartheid” and “two-tier society” divided between those who have had the vaccine and those who have not. 

They argue that people should be free to turn down the vaccine on grounds of conscience, and that to do so should not exclude them from public life. 

They further state that they will keep their church doors open to all, regardless of whether they have had the vaccine or not.

Vaccine passports have been floated as a way of helping countries ease restrictions by requiring evidence that people have been vaccinated against Covid-19 before they are allowed to enter public spaces like shops, theatres, restaurants and hotels.

Over 32 million people in the UK have received the first dose of the vaccine, while over 7 million have had both jabs. The Airfinity tracker predicts that 75% of the population will be fully immunized by the first week of August…

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Editor’s Note. This article was written by a staff writer and published at Christian Today.  

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