Voddie Baucham Update – One Month Post-op – ‘I am No Longer on a Path to a Heart Transplant’

Voddie Baucham has given an update on how he’s doing one-month post-op, explaining that things are doing well and he’s no longer on a path to needing a heart transplant.

Speaking from his car, Voddie shared with his followers that his wife Bridget went back to Zambia, got the kids, and that the whole family is living with them in a bed and breakfast in Jacksonville so they can be close by the Mayo Clinic while he undergoes weekly tests and cardiac rehab, made possible by the nearly $1,500,000 dollars raised on his GoFundMe account.

He explains that he’s been going in once a week for checkups, with yesterday being a whole day from 7:30 a.m. to almost 3:00 p.m. of undergoing a battery of examinations and tests.

Lord willing if everything goes well today, we’ll go from weekly visits to monthly visits for the next couple of months, and if everything checks out, then by the end of may I should be released to go to quarterly visits.

Voddie tells us that “everything looks good,” and that he’s getting stronger every day, walking a mile at a time and doing pushups, situps, and squats, all while waiting for a release from his doctors that will let him do more, push things and see his heart challenged.

While saying, “We have to be prepared for the possibility that there are more [challenges] ahead,” he informed friends and supporters, “The good news is, I am no longer on a path to heart transplant.”

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3 thoughts on “Voddie Baucham Update – One Month Post-op – ‘I am No Longer on a Path to a Heart Transplant’

  1. Did his wife bring all nine kids with her back from Africa or are some of them are older and on their own now? If not, that must be a good-sized bed and breakfast. I wonder if he is going to move back to America permanently.

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