Kat Kerr Says If You Mess With Her, Her 150-foot Angels Will Literally Murder You

Illustration of angry red eyes on a black background

Well, that’s a side we haven’t seen before. Kat Kerr, our favorite pink-haired, mainstream continuationist, spunky charismatic meme-bot and “Dr. Michael Brown-approved prophetess” is getting a little bit scary, putting her own spin on the frequently cited “touch not the Lord’s anointed” by making open threats to anyone seeking to take her on.

Talking to chief enabler Steve Shultz of ElijahStreams, Kerr explained that no one had better mess with her or “take her down” for her support of Trump, (is anyone doing that?) because if anyone tries to lay a finger on her, she has 150-foot angels on standby, and they will literally kill that person first.

She warns:

I will just say this: I live in Florida. If you’re making noise to come and take me down, you’ll have to face these 150-foot angels who are with me… I always have to give a warning: You will not live in a decision like that… [The Father] told me He’s not gonna let anybody take my life. That’s not a challenge to you; that’s a warning.

Time to slowly back away….

As usual, HT to the give of scum and villainy known as the Friendly Atheist for the link and transcript.

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6 thoughts on “Kat Kerr Says If You Mess With Her, Her 150-foot Angels Will Literally Murder You

  1. Are these angels like the flying spaghetti covid critter monsters that will destroy you if you don’t take the medical mafioso vaccines ???

  2. Still waiting for this serial false prophet and shameless opportunist to explain how she can continue to claim to be a prophet when the vast majority of her ‘prophetic words’ have turned out to be utterly false. Obviously, she hasn’t read the Bible.

  3. Does James White know his buddy, Michael Brown, approves of her? If so, I’d like to know why he still vouches for him.

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