Update on Voddie Baucham: Has Complicating Kidney Disease – Treatment Costs are Astronomical

Update #1. Voddie will be landing stateside in a few hours, around 8pm EST. The flight from Doha was over 16 hours and he was able to rest some.

Update #2. Another 100k since this morning. Funds raised are now at $850,000.

Funds keep pouring into Voddie Baucham’s GoFundMe page and frenetic prayers continue to be issued forth from the saints as the minister and his wife make way to the United States from Zambia after being diagnosed with heart failure.

Voddie recently wrote on his Facebook page and posted to social media:

On February 3, when Voddie went back home after a two-week preaching stint in the United States, it took him 40 hours to get home, going from Atlanta to Dallas, Dallas to Doha, Doha to Johannesburg, Johannesburg to Lusaka, and Lusaka Airport to his home. The flight from Dallas to Doha alone is nearly 16 hours, with his whole trip including several layovers with a lot of time spent in between.

With Johannesburg being 7 hours ahead of EST, Baucham should be back in America late Monday evening. There is no word as to where he is going for treatment or what that will look like yet.

People have mentioned negotiating with the hospital given that he has no medical insurance, as the treatment would be very expensive. Tom Ascol, ministry partner and GoFundMe organizer, explained:

Baucham has raised $850,000 through his GoFundMe page, along with other funds through his ministry page.

Ascol updated the page and moved the goal of $750k to $1.25 million, explaining:

Over the last 24 hours I have consulted with people associated with the planned medical care for Voddie. They have told me that conservative estimates for his anticipated treatments is well over one million dollars. That is why I have raised the goal, in hopes that we can provide all that our brother will need and alleviate him of any financial concerns in seeking treatment. Thank you for your generosity in giving.

Right now Voddie’s greatest need is prayer. Please lift up this dear saint to the Lord today.

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