Conservative PCA Seminary Puts on New-Age ‘Enneagram Seminar’

A conservative seminary within the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) denomination has announced they are putting on a seminar featuring the New Age Occultic Enneagram, claiming that for those who attend, it will “support your ministry,” “enrich marriages,” and “deepen your trust in God.”

The event, put on by Covenant Theological Seminary, is set to feature Enneagram coaches Jeff & Beth McCord, the latter of which recently had a list of 6 New Age Enneagram teachers on her website whom she learned from, but has since removed.

According to Joe Carter, the Enneagram is a “categorization tool that classifies human personality into a typology of nine interconnected personality types.” These are all hardwired before birth and includes things like “Type 2 – The Helper (The Caring, Interpersonal Type: Demonstrative, Generous, People-Pleasing, and Possessive).”

As far as its origins go, he explains:

The earliest mention of the Enneagram is found in the writings of the Russian occultist P. D. Ouspensky, who attributes it to his teacher, the Greek American occultist Georges I. Gurdjieff. Gurdjieff considered the Enneagram a symbol of the cosmos, but made no connection with it to personality types.

It was left to another occultist, Óscar Ichazo, to connect the Enneagram to personality. Ichazo claimed to have discovered the personality type meaning of the Enneagram when it was taught to him by the Archangel Metraton while he was high on mescaline.

One of Ichazo’s students, a Chilean-born psychiatrist named Claudio Naranjo (another occultist) was the first to connect the nine points of the Enneagram to nine basic personality types. (Naranjo also appears to be the one to connect the mention of the Enneagram by Gurdjieff and Ouspensky to ancient sources.)

In short, it’s some thoroughly occultic, demonic, new-age woo-woo trash that no Christian should have anything to do with. It has nothing to do with Christianity, nothing to offer or teach Christianity, and is fit to be burned for the pagan heap of bovine scatology that it is.

We’ve reached out to Covenant Seminary for comment and will update this article accordingly.

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4 thoughts on “Conservative PCA Seminary Puts on New-Age ‘Enneagram Seminar’

  1. I know an Episcopalian church that’s big on enneagram. I think some liberal catholic churches are doing it too, along with liberal Protestants. It’s everywhere these days. It’s seems like it’s essentially recommending your church all take the Myers Briggs personality tests, or even astrology natal charts, in order to “build relationships” and “promote understanding.” Of course it’s always the younger and middle aged women who flock to these things, a population obsessed with navel gazing as a form of being “spiritual but not religious,” and saying that it’s about “relationships.” No surprise that churches with middle aged female clergy are big on enneagram. After all, it was Eve who was deceived, Adam just went along with her; same story umpteen millionth verse.

    When it comes to assessing personality traits, some of these psychological tests may have some grain of truth in them somewhere, but they don’t have anything to do with Jesus Christ.

  2. Yikes! A guest speaker at our church a couple of weeks ago enlightened our congregation to the value of the enneagram in assessing personality traits. Looks like our church is becoming one of ‘those…’ Not good.

  3. Christians in America are retarded by opulence and, like the Greeks of old, desire only to see or hear some new thing. It does not take any special education or discernment to know that these kinds of things always tie into occultism. Duh. It’s as if everyone wakes up each day having slept off any knowledge they gained in the days prior. Our willful ignorance, and stupidity has earned us the impending judgment of God. Perhaps reading and taking the Bible seriously would change the hearts and minds of people. “Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world…”
    Professing Christians are largely nothing more than spiritual whores. “Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God?”

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