Get ‘Patriots and Puritans’ Thumb Drive (Full of Prepper PDFs and Puritan Books)

Yup, we are going into a hard time as a nation. It’s probably time (or beyond time) to start preparing now. Because our podcast on Prepping 101 went so viral, and we’ve had tons of requests for the collection of JD’s prepper PDFs and manuals he mentioned during the broadcast, we’ve decided to make it available to Expositor-Level patrons.
Our Expositor-Level patrons at Pulpit & Pen receive a book in the mail each month, and this is the first time the book wasn’t purely theological. And, for that matter, it’s the first time the book hasn’t technically been a book.
All patrons who sign up prior to February 1 will receive in the mail a flash-drive (a $10 value itself) chocked full of hundreds of PDFs and manuals on self-sufficiency. In addition, it will also have dozens of rare Puritan theology books for your edification.
You can sign up as an Expositor-Level patron here.
Also remember, if the $49.95 a month is too much for you, you can always sign up still as a $5.95 pulpiteer for complete access to the full podcasts, $19.95 a month to attend Bulldogmatic Bible Study, or $34.95 a month for free stuff from the Reformed Gear store.
Thanks for your support!
I’ve been a patron for over a year now I think. I can’t do the expositor level though. Would you offer this for sale to those of us that want it and are patrons already? Or for sale to anyone, for that matter? Please?
Yes, I would ask the same. I would gladly pay to purchase the thumb drive. Also, could you make available the list of theology books you give away and the puritan books?
Is there still an option to get the prepping and Puritan thumb drive?