Famed SBC Bible Teacher Beth Moore Doesn’t Know Denomination’s View of Spiritual Gifts

Beth Moore has been in fine form this last week, proving much fodder for the faithful demonstrating why she’s been flagged as a false teacher and all-around unqualified to be lauded and promoted by the #BigEva elites within the Southern Baptist Convention.
Yet in recent comments where she also accused the SBC of being racist and not wanting black people in positions of power (Editor’s note. These Tweets have since been deleted from her page, but posted here for posterity) she also betrayed a frightening lack of knowledge about her lifelong denomination, despite using her decades within it as a cudgel to carve out the problems she sees with it.

Beth Moore claims that the SBC doesn’t want women in leadership. Presumably, she’s talking about women pastors, and that her denomination should have the guts to say it and own it. Yet they do say it and own it. The official position of the SBC, as outlined in Article 6 of the Baptist Faith and Message 2000 is that they are against women pastors- Beth just has been ignoring it for 20 years.
While both men and women are gifted for service in the church, the office of pastor is limited to men as qualified by Scripture.
In the aforementioned posts, Moore further cites the SBC position on charismatic gifts and speaking in tongues, again telling her denomination to just admit it and own it and have the guys to say it.
The thing is, the SBC has no official position on it beyond what it says in the BF&M 2000, which affirms that Christians receive “spiritual gifts” from God that are exercised in the context of the church. That’s about it. They make this clear in a variety of ways, the least of which is on the official SBC website in the FAQ.

The sending arm of the SBC, the North American Mission Board (NAMB) website also supports and reiterates this, explaining:
Although Southern Baptists generally do not practice speaking of tongues in public worship, many apparently practice speaking of tongues in private. A recent LifeWay study reported that half of SBC pastors believe that God gives some Christians a private prayer language. According to the same report, 41% of SBC pastors think that the gift of tongues passed away with the death of the apostles. NAMB takes no position on this question.

In another deleted tweet which we unfortunately did not screenshot, someone shows Moore the SBC view of charismatics gifts, that same FAQ picture above, and she seems astounded, saying something along the lines of “I’ve never seen that before in my life.”
So Moore, who proudly states that’s she’s been neck-deep in the SBC for 63 years, speaking at untold women’s conferences, having her books and bible studies and teachings consistently featured at Lifeway and hailed as a brilliant vaulted bible teacher, doesn’t know what her denomination teaches about spiritual gifts, believes that the SBC is racist and doesn’t want black leaders, and thinks it’s unbiblical to reject women pastors?
We can think of a few other things the SBC should have the guts to say and own.
If you want to know more about Auntie Beth’s wily ways and why she’s such a dangerous teacher, click on this link to Seth Dunn’s Book So Long, Beth Moore: You’ve Been a Bad Friend to Us.
For a few more of her recent greatest hits:
Beth Moore Doesn’t Want You To Preach or Share The Gospel at The Protests
Beth Moore Openly Affirms Woman Pastrix
Beth Moore Falsely Claims ‘White Supremacy’ is Running Rampant in ‘Much of the Church’
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