Pope Says Those who Won’t Take COVID-19 Vaccine are Living in ‘Suicidal Denial’

Pope Francis expressed his frustration and exasperation at anyone refusing to take the COVID-19 vaccine, describing those questioning its safety and refusing to take it in its present form, if ever, as engaging in “a suicidal denial that I wouldn’t know how to explain.”

Pope Francis, still the object or our ire after making perhaps his most blasphemous statement ever, made the comments in an interview with the Italian television station Canale 5:

I believe that ethically everyone must take the vaccine. It is not an option; it is an ethical action, because you are playing with your health, you are playing with your life, but you are also playing with the lives of others. I’ve signed up. One must do it…

I don’t understand why some say, ‘No, vaccines are dangerous.’ If it is presented by doctors as a thing that can go well, that has no special dangers, why not take it? There is a suicidal denial that I wouldn’t know how to explain.

The endorsement of the Vaccine and the insistence that everyone take it comes after several Bishops and Cardinals released a paper slamming the vaccines as made from fetal tissue from aborted babies. In response to the paper, the Vatican released their own statement affirming that Roman Catholics were permitted to inject themselves with the vaccine, even if it were abortion-tainted, if there were no other ethical alternatives.

According to recent polls, between 30 and 40 percent of Americans do not plan on taking the vaccine.

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