Video: Pope Francis Makes His Most Outrageously Blasphemous Statement Yet

In a video posted to Twitter that has Roman Catholic Apologists foaming at the mouth and pulling their hair (and probably their teeth out by now) muttering how the Holy See is making their job as his defender pretty much impossible, Pope Francis left the seat of the antichrist that he presently occupies (WCF 25.6 and LCBF 26:4) and urged syncretistic worship with other religions, suggesting these pagan prayers are pleasing to the Lord.

The short video, which must be watched in its entirety, describes how God values the prayers of the unbeliever in other religions and describes the mixing of prayers of Muslims and Christians as “the coming together of brothers and sisters.”

It describes the essential element of our faith to be the adoration of God and love of neighbor, rather than the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

All this while Muslims, Jews, and Christians send each other little happy praying hands emoticons to smiles and nods of appreciation.

This sort of blasphemy it is just one more strike against the theologically bereft pontiff, who has been under fire for being willing to give pro-abortion Joe Biden communion, endorsing civil unions for gay couples, and having interfaith prayer meetings and ceremonies with Muslims.

When we pray to God following Jesus, we come together as brothers and sisters with those who pray according to other cultures, other traditions, and other beliefs.

We are brothers and sisters who pray.

Fraternity leads us to open ourselves to the Father of all and see in the other a brother or sister, to share our lives or to support, to love and to know each other.

The Church values God’s action in other religions without forgetting that for us Christians, the wellspring of human dignity and fraternity is in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

We believers must return to our sources and concentrate on what is essential.

What is essential to our faith is the adoration of God and love of neighbor.

Let us pray that the Lord may give us the grace to live in full fellowship with our brothers and sisters of other religions and not fight each other, and praying for one another, leaves us open to all.

The scriptures describe the praying to other gods as that which stirred up the anger and wrath and aroused the jealousy of the one true God – an act which demanded a stoning death in the Old Testament, and one worthy of being cast into hell in the New Testament. Furthermore, scripture tells that “anyone who does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother,” not who does the will of the devil in Hades.

Someone needs to tell Francis that the prayers to other gods are in actuality prayers to demons, and all someone is doing when they pray to other false gods is building up condemnation to themselves.

But for some reason, we suspect he already knows.

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26 thoughts on “Video: Pope Francis Makes His Most Outrageously Blasphemous Statement Yet

  1. Catholicism is paganism. The ancient Babylonian religion rebranded.
    Compare the mitre hat to the priests of Dagon.
    Every pope is a blasphemous shill of Satan. The current one is just marching to the heightened drum beat of his father the devil.

  2. The only good news is that perhaps some Catholics will realize what a fraud he is – and therefore their religion as well.

    Note to Francis & Catholics (and countless Protestants as well): There are over 100 passages pointing to how Jesus is the ONLY way to salvation (not just John 14:16). To call oneself a Christian while considering that another religion is valid means you are a wolf and/or wildly ignorant.

  3. It’s bad enough that Roman Catholics, no matter how much blasphemy or sexual scandal comes from their so-called church, (and I grew up in it and was one nominally until I was 41), but there are so many protestants who think it’s a legitimate Christian Denomination and maybe the first or purest version of Christianity like Billy Graham and many heretical, word-faith teachers.

    And then you have Hank Haneggraff, the so-called Bible answer man, who joined the Eastern Orthodox church a few years ago and would never truly criticize Rome all those years prior when I listened to him and wondered why. I guess I know now.

    1. You realize that the Eastern Orthodox church has been anti-Papacy before the “reformation” was a thought in anyone’s mind, right? That’s the whole reason we exist… because we kicked Rome to the curb .

  4. I guess the horrifying death of our Savior Christ was just a meaningless sideshow, huh Pope? I suggest you go back to praying for Mother Earth and leave the theology thing to more capable individuals…

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