Jemar Tisby ‘Quick-as-a-Flash’ Scripture Twist Shows Woke Agenda

Jemar Tisby, founder of the Witness Black Christian Collective (previously called Reformed African American Network or RAAN) which is an allegedly Christian organization created to “fight injustice” all the while promoting an openly pro-choice, pro LGBT radical to the role of VP, delivered a gospel presentation at Wheaton College back in late 2019.
Tibsy, perhaps best known for writing the theologically compromised book The Color of Compromise, gives us a primer on how woke teachers influence by Critical Race Theory can quickly twist scripture and insert unbiblical ideas even into a two-minute gospel presentation, so the point that if you’re not paying attention, you’ll blink and you’ll miss it.
Earlier when I was defining the prophetic voice I mentioned a kind of prophecy called a ‘prophecy of deliverance.’ I talked about Genesis 3:15, the offspring of the woman crushing satan under his heel, and I said ‘test the spirits’ and the way to test a forthtelling spirit is to see if it came true, well brothers and sisters that prophecy of deliverance prophesied all the way back in Genesis 3:15 came true.
It came true when Jesus Christ, the Son of God, took on flesh and became a person and entered into our experience so that he could identify with us and express solidarity with us!
Jesus Christ announced his public ministry by describing his role as a prophetic forthteller. He said that he was anointed by God the Father to proclaim good news to the poor, liberty to the captives, the recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed, and to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.
That prophecy came true, and because it came true, you now who believe in Jesus enter into that prophetic role of forthtelling the truth, even the truth about racism and white supremacy.
And on the cross, Jesus Christ tells those who have been bent low because of oppression: you can stand up straight. And he tells those who have bought into the myth of whiteness and superiority that you, too, are in need of a savior. If you have repented and believed this morning, then despise not the prophetic voice of the black experience. Amen and amen.”
That’s all it takes. A quick flick of the wrist. A couple of words added in to change the meaning.
It doesn’t take much.
Thank you for revealing Tisby’s relationship with Lig Duncan as now I feel better about leaving my former church who, a couple of years ago, allowed Duncan to preach from its pulpit twice but something told me not to stand for it.