Pope Appoints Powerful Pro-LGBT Cardinals to Seat of Power

Pope Francis appointed 13 clergymen to the College of Cardinals, many of who will be able to vote in the upcoming Pala conclave, and at least two who hold pro-LGBT views. The move comes on the heels of the Pope coming out last week in full support of same-sex civil unions, further demonstrating there is some “ecclesiastical queering” going on.

With the appointment of these cardinals to this new seat of power, it means that Francis will have appointed nearly 60% of all electors, suggesting that the majority in power will have the same beliefs and vision for the Church that Francis holds, which is one that is more unbiblical and anti-Christal than ever before and is likely to continue the trend he has begun with the selection of the next pope in the years to come.

The most controversial of them all is naming United States Archbishop Gregory Wilton to the college. According to Complicit Clergy:

The other appointee that we know of who holds pro-LGBT views is the  Secretary of the Synod of Bishops, Mario Grech, who said that he “feels wounded” when the church calls homosexuality sinful and called a full-page ad defending marriage as between one man and one woman, contra homosexuality, as nothing more than “propaganda.”

While these actions by Pope Francis seems to have shocked devout Roman Catholics, to those paying attending its par for the course from a Pontiff hell-bent on painting the Vatican every color of the rainbow.

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3 thoughts on “Pope Appoints Powerful Pro-LGBT Cardinals to Seat of Power

  1. it does any day since it is totally false and is a damning evil idolatrous religion developed by satan himself!!!

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