John MacArthur to Congregation: ‘You People are Getting Me into a Lot of Trouble’

Pastor John McArthur received another standing ovation from his congregation yesterday, with everyone standing and cheering for nearly 30 seconds as he made his way to the pulpit and shared a short pre-sermon address.

Macarthur will frequently use this ‘opening comments time’ to give an update on the current court case or to share information or brief thoughts with the congregation on current events or other things related to the day or to the church. These are not always captured as part of the online sermons that get posted, and so our friends at Bible Thumping Wingnut has recorded them and posted the video below, which we’ve transcribed.

“You people are getting me in a lot of trouble.” [Laughter and cheers from congregation]

Welcome to Grace Community Church on this Lord’s day. Psalms 67 says

God be gracious to us and bless us,
And cause His face to shine upon us— 
That Your way may be known on the earth,
Your salvation among all nations.
Let the peoples praise You, O God;
Let all the peoples praise You.
Let the nations be glad and sing for joy;
For You will judge the peoples with uprightness
And guide the nations on the earth. 
Let the peoples praise You, O God;
Let all the peoples praise You.

God blesses us, till all the ends of the earth may fear him.

Father, we offer you our worship in this hour. As those who come before you unworthy, and yet joyfully welcome because we come in the Saviors name. Bless our fellowship and our worship together. Amen.

While not much to update in this case, we don’t know of the ‘You people are getting me in a lot of trouble.’ is related simply to the fines they are incurring, or something else.

Meanwhile, one of the special counsels representing MacArthur and Grace Church, who also happens to be one of President Trump’s Lawyers, pointed out that hundreds were gathering to mourn the loss of Chief Justice Ruth Ginsberg. She noted they were gathering in large groups without adhering to social distancing, which was fine to her, but like large BLM protests, these are encouraged and allowed while churches remain closed. It needed not be said that if the church gathered in the way that these mourners did, they would be in contravention to Governor Gavin Newsom’s lockdown orders and would be fined.

While Grace church was fined another 500$ this week for gathering, an appeal is expected from GCC early this week and we will also be informed as to what further consequences the Los Angeles County and the Judge will impose on the church for ignoring the court’s orders prohibiting them from gathering if it will be simply monetarily punitive, or if the threat of arrest is legitimately on the table.

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