Gospel Coalition Lesbian Says You’ll ‘Go to Hell’ For Pointing Out Jacob Blake is a Criminal

In November 2018, The Gospel Coalition’s token militant butch black woman (an impressive 4 on the Intersectionality Scale, which is not too shabby) tweeted out that the Gospel was not the exclusive property of white men. I responded by tweeting that neither is the Gospel the exclusive property of ‘militant butch black women.’ Evangelical Twitter melted down with guffawing outrage and SBC Voices – now the Manchurian Blog of Russell Moorecalled for our boycott.

Those were the days.

In particular, they were the days when some still doubted that The Gospel Coalition was anything but a shill for the Democratic party. They were the days before 9Marks became 9Marx. They were the days before it was abundantly clear that the Great Evangelical Schism of 2020 would soon be here. They were days when I used the term “Gospel Coalition Lesbian” people didn’t have to ask “Which one?”

But these days, Jackie Hill Perry is just one of a whole gaggle of lesbians trotted out by the Gospel Coalition and its shell company, the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (they share board members, writers, and contributors, including Jackie Hill Perry). These days, Butch Perry is accompanied by a whole host of other lesbian gals, all of whom give a semblance of mumbling, self-unassured and unenthusiastic affirmation of the sin of actual sodomy, but none of whom believe the desire is sinful and none of whom believe sanctification can change their sinful passions.

Essentially, The Gospel Coalition’s Special Forces, sort of a Squeal Team 6, if you will, are a barrage of homosexuals led by Sam Allberry who incessantly lecture evangelicals on gender roles and the virtue of general wokeness. And what The Gospel Coalition’s articles these days amount to is rainbow-splattered vomit disguised as pithy whimsyisms with sprinkles of gospel-talk mixed in.

While I took some heat for calling Jackie Hill Perry a “militant butch black woman” at the time, I think any reasonable person can see the reasonableness of it by this point. On top of spending 99% of her energy twerking virtue on evangelicalism’s Intersectionality Red Carpet, she found time to claim that those who point out the latest Messiah-Martyr of Woke Religionism is a criminal are going to hell.


Perry spoke of one of the many Christ-figures of Woke Religion, Jacob Blake, who forms the pantheon of gods and ‘cloud of witnesses’ in their canon of saints.

Blake was shot by Wisconsin police and lay paralyzed as the Wisconsin Department of Justice investigates and federal authorities are looking into the matter as a possible civil rights issue. Meanwhile, the sludge of society has coalesced in Wisconsin cities to maim one another, set fires, and loot private property (because everyone knows that’s the natural response to grief).

What we know about the shooting is sparse. It appears a 911 call was placed to Kenosha police, who were told that Blake was on the premises and was not supposed to be there. The caller was uncooperative with the 911 operator, which is partially insane, considering they called 911 (maybe it just crossed their minds the police can’t be both defunded and called for help at the same time). Upon arrival, Blake acted like the typical thug and acted uncontrollably (if you want to know how to practice peaceful resistance to police brutality, check out how Ammon Bundy exemplified this yesterday). Then, Blake got tased. And then, Blake resisted the police further, opened his car door, and reached down to grab something. And that’s when he got a free .40 caliber piece of information about how not to behave toward law enforcement.

Instantly, Woke Religionists found a new Messiah figure. He would be added to the Holy Shrine of Perpetual Victimhood by the worshippers of the woke gods almost instantly. If only he would have got up and walked within three days, he might have been placed upon the vigil higher than even George Floyd or Trayvon Martin.

As prophetesses in the wokeness cult (like Jackie Hill Perry) peered into their crystal ball of omniscience and blamed the cops, despite any evidence they acted inappropriately, they made memes extolling Blake as a victim of systemic injustice.

However, some fair-minded people with a despicable penchant for research, an affinity for facts, and a fair dose of reality looked into the character of Blake and questioned whether or not he had a history of criminal behavior. Surely, back in the Age of Reason, this would be a common-sense approach to judgment-calling.

It turns out, Blake is no saint. He has not been, as the aforementioned Ammon Bundy, declared innocent by a jury of his peers. His arrest warrant was still yet pending.

Blake recently had an arrest warrant filed against him for domestic abuse, criminal trespass (to a residence, which is especially concerning), third-degree sexual assault, and disorderly conduct (see below or click here).

Given Blake’s identity was known by the police as relayed in the 911 call, doubtlessly the police knew the suspect was wanted for violent offenses. And given one of those charges was for criminal trespass, and the 911 call was for criminal trespass, police no doubt would have been rightfully on edge.

This is a case of personal responsibility. Don’t act disorderly in front of the police, resist a taser, run to your car (which is in itself a deadly weapon), and reach for something without fully expecting to be taught a fatal (or paralyzing) lesson about your own incorrigibility.

But besides the “facts is racist, y’all” mentality of Butch Perry, is her apparent loss of the Gospel through the midst of it. This, of course, is the natural consequence of adopting Woke Religionism.

People don’t go to hell because they’re okay with facts. And neither is racism – if indeed facts are racist (they are not) – the unforgivable sin. People don’t go to hell because they’re not so woke they canonize dumb criminals as saints.

People go to hell because they have yet to be given penitent faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and his death, burial, and resurrection for the forgiveness of their sins.

I shouldn’t have to spell out what the Gospel is or why people go to hell, but because we’re dealing with a Gospel Coalition contributor, it’s no doubt necessary.

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