Colorado Neighborhood Confronts and Runs Off Antifa From Pro-Police Rally

A Fort Collins, Colorado neighborhood was having none of it when Antifa protesters came to disrupt a pro-police rally, and chased them off, sending them packing with tails between their legs amid shouts of “Bye-bye, commie scum. Bye-bye, go home” and “Somebody about to get tangled. You guys came to the wrong city, boys and girls.”

The video shows 20 or 30 men and women immediately confronting Antifa protesters who looked scared to death and not expecting this sort of resistance. They quickly pushed them back in an intimidating show of force, as many in the neighborhood were open-carrying. Commentary from the videographer explains:

So we’re currently marching the Antifa commie b******* out of the neighborhood because no one wants Antifa in the neighborhood. Nobody wants them here, so we’re marching them out.

At one point a scuffle broke out, and someone uttered these immortal words of sound advice, “Everyone keep your hands off your weapons. Keep punching each other in the face, just don’t shoot anybody.”

Within minutes the police arrived and Antifa members took swings at the police, resulting in two of their party being arrested.

One of the men chasing them off even managed to score a prize. While not quite a german luger, he did capture a black Antifa hat, much to his delight. The rest of the Antifactsists ran away, and the neighbors rejoined the rest of the crowd for the pro-police rally, grinning ear to ear as one man declared:

Well, that was the best first 5 minutes of any rally I’ve ever been to!

Warning: Language.

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