Jim Bakker Prophecied ‘Terrorism Hell’ and Rat-Induced Pestilence In NYC in 2023. It Never Happened

Jim Bakker, the hucksterism of all hucksters, continues his streak of false prophecies and propensity for making things up, claiming last year that God told him New York City would be a victim of “terrorism hell” in 2023.

It’s familiar territory for Bakker, for whom the last few years have not been kind. Three years ago, the 83-year-old lost in court and was ordered to pay $156,000 to settle a lawsuit for selling colloidal silver as a cure-all for the novel coronavirus. Last year, the embattled Bakker had his credit card companies cut him off and reduced him to only taking checks to support his ever-dwindling ministry. This has made him desperate to hawk any prophecy, piece, or potion he can to keep the lights on, including Selling a $1000 Miracle Blanket or having guests who claimed Reptile Alien Pretended to Be her Husband in an Attempt to Seduce Her.

During his Ready Now Expo, which was March 29-31 2023, Bakker claimed:

God spoke to me last night what’s going to happen this year in America… I do know this; coming to America this year we’re going to have, God said to me there will be terrorism in America and he called it a “terrorism hell” is coming To America. Terrorists! New York City is going to have terrorism like it’s never had before.

And even in New York, God said there’s disease that’s going to hit New York City and some of it will come even from the rats-well the disease was spread. These things I believe are the really beginning of sorrows that we’re seeing in the world.

h/t Right Wing Watch

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1 thought on “Jim Bakker Prophecied ‘Terrorism Hell’ and Rat-Induced Pestilence In NYC in 2023. It Never Happened

  1. This buffoon should have been rebuked by every Christ follower after he raped Jessica Hahn decades ago.

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