Francis Collins’ New Talking Point: Get the Shot Because Jesus Said The Truth Will Set You Free

For a decade, Francis Collins was held in the highest honor by evangelicals everywhere. An acclaimed scientist and former Director of the National Institutes of Health (and current Science Advisor to President Biden), he was a professing Christian and would frequently be asked to speak on the intersection of faith and science, being looked to as a paragon of virtue and respectability on account of his outward-facing persona. Evangelical leaders such as Russell Moore, David French, Tim Keller, and Ed Setzer lauded him wherever they went as someone to take seriously and look up to, as he was all but shoved down our throats.
Then the truth was revealed.
We broke the story that he released a statement for PRIDE month where he publicly revealed himself to be thoroughly compromised on the Christian’s view of LGBTQ issues and the scriptures, offering them his personal support as an “ally” and regurgitating all the progressive talking points he could muster.
His role as founder of BioLogos, the self-described “Christian organization” that seeks to bridge the bible and evolution while insisting that humans evolved from apes 200,000 years ago and that Adam and Eve never actually existed, became greater publicized, and he soon revealed his low view of the church, making the case that in-person public schooling is a higher priority than in-person church.
He openly supports doing experiments on fetal tissue on account that he doesn’t believe human embryos to be life but only ‘potential life” and has argued that scientists should use bodies of aborted babies for scientific experimentation. Couple all that with a refusal to condemn “pregnant people” language and being a propagandist for unscientific pandemic protocols, and Collins was completely exposed.
He’s still at it, however, according to the inimitable WokePreacherTV, who writes:
Colins is still twisting the Bible to shame Christians who are hesitant to take a novel gene therapy treatment with no long-term safety data. In these four public appearances from 2022, the last of which occurred in December 2022, Collins quotes Jesus in John 8:32, “The truth will set you free,” to lament evangelicals’ (specifically white evangelicals’) distrust of public health officials.
In context, Jesus is talking about those who recognize his authority, not a human leader’s: “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
h/t to @wokepreachertv for the vid, as well as the title.
This guy is the new KKK! Everything is the new KKK! If anyone is going to twist the words of the Bible, it’s going to be us.
I truly hope that Francis gets the shot.
And by that, I mean the dose, or two, and the booster.