VP Kamala Harris Applauded at National Baptist Convention For Denouncing “Extremists” Seeking to Outlaw Abortion

Guest of honor Vice-president Kamala Harris was greeted by a round of applause at the National Baptists Convention’s 142nd annual session in Houston, Texas, telling roughly 2000 people in attendance that there’s no conflict in being both Christian and pro-choice, denouncing extremists who are seeking to outlaw abortion.

“As extremists work to take away the freedom of women to make decisions about their own bodies, faith leaders are taking a stand, knowing one does not have to abandon their faith or deeply held religious beliefs to agree that a woman should have the ability to make decisions about her own body, and not have her government tell her what to do.

And she will choose in consultation with her pastor or a priest or a doctor and her loved ones. But the government should not be making that decision. In this moment, let us heed the words of First Corinthians; Be on your guard. Stand firm in the faith. Be courageous, be strong and do everything in love.”

The National Baptist Convention (NBC) is the largest predominantly Black Christian denomination in the United States and the second largest Baptist denomination in the world. Claiming over 8 million members and 21,000 congregations, they sit between the more conservative National Baptist Convention of America and the openly liberal Progressive National Baptist Convention.

The NBC has has no official position on abortion, and a result many of their congregations are pro-choice. While their president Dr. Jerry Young is professingly pro-life, their denominational policy is to allow each individual congregation to determine its own views on abortion. According to a 2012 Pew Research poll, 57% of National Baptist Convention believe abortion should be legal in all or most situations.

h/t WokePreacherTV

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14 thoughts on “VP Kamala Harris Applauded at National Baptist Convention For Denouncing “Extremists” Seeking to Outlaw Abortion

  1. A bit ironic, the version of 1 Cor. 16:13 she quotes omits the meaning of ἀνδρίζεσθε – the admonition to act like men, quit ye like men, to be manly as mature and courageous men.

    The verse means to be strong mature men who stand strong and immovable, in context to stand on the objective, concrete, unchanging truth of God’s Word.

    You’re not going to find any grown, strong mature men who don’t strongly protect and defend the life of children, born or unborn.

    1. For ignorant progressives like her, that scripture does not mean for women to act like men. It is specifically addressing the leadership. It is an admonition specifically to the men. It is not directed to women.

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  2. Too many progressives and liberals conflate the concept of rights with free will. Rights are not the same as free will. Rights are those things that are given by God, of which God approves, which He requires us to respect.

    There is no such thing as the right to sin. God does not approve of it. Nobody is obligated to respect it – in fact, we are obligated to disrespect sin.

    1. I respect your right to be a big manly man. I just imagine you slinging an axe over your shoulder. Just like the Brawny man except 30% more of a bigot.

      1. Foolish, rebellious child. So arrogant, prideful, bigoted, and self-absorbed you not only attempt to set yourself above Bible-believing Christians, you attempt to set yourself above God Almighty Himself, as if your little opinion carries any weight whatsoever compared to the authority of the Word of Almighty God.

        The Bible not only says that men should be manly, and women should be womanly, it defines the meaning. You obviously disagree. You’ve made your opinion known, and your opinion is rejected. Nobody here is going to abandon God’s Word, out of respect for your worthless opinion. That’s not going to happen child. We couldn’t care less about your foolish opinion. Get over yourself.

          1. “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” – Prov. 3:5-6

            Not happening, child. I don’t lean on my own understanding. Now move along.

  3. I eagerly await the day when people finally recognize that abortion is murder, not a human right. May our nation find itself repenting before the Lord and ceasing this endless river of innocent blood. In Jesus’ Name.

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