New Poll: 1 in 4 Democrats Believe ‘Men Can Get Pregnant’

Not a man
In a sign of the continued, intentional destruction and blurring of God’s designs for men and women; what it means to be made in the image of God and reflect his character, nature, and design for mankind, a new WPA Intelligence poll of 1000 registered voters, found that 22% of Democrats agreed with the statement “”Some men can get pregnant.”
Within the sampling, they also found that 36% of college educated white women agreed that the statement is true.
Speaking of the results, WPAi Managing Director Conor Maguire notes “Overall, few Americans think men can get pregnant. But with 36% of a core Democratic constituency (college-educated white Democratic women) and one out of five Democrat voters believing this, one can see why Democratic leaders coddle the radical gender theory movement.”
While the results do not give the percentage of Republicans who believe similarly, this continued desire to erase women and wipe out gender differences reveals that newest satanic scheme is effective, and is being driven by a demographic hell-bent on transforming the culture into their wicked likeness, of which Christians should resist with all our might.
I refuse to take sides. God is not a Republican. Jesus would support welfare and bombing Russia so you can easily make a case Democrats are more biblical, on just as many issues.
No, you absolutely cannot.
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Which party is closer to Judeo-Christian values? The GOP of George W. Bush is gone, my friend. With the Democrat party, we get anti-racism and anti-homophobia PLUS we get war against Putin, Iran, etc. Trump didn’t want war, even for Israel. He didn’t want open borders. Open borders are Biblical values. He wasn’t pro business either, now the corporations are all Democrat. The GOO wants “Christian nationaliam” which is NOT biblical! This is why most evangelical leaders are Democrat now.
God might withhold His hand and allow WWIII as a matter of his judgment of mankind, but it would be wrong to say that He would support or approve of it.