Bethel Church’s Bill Johnson Shills ‘Healing School’ Heresy While Wife Dying of Cancer

Beni Johnson is married to one of the most famous faith healers in the world, and yet is dying of cancer. This is an inescapable fact. Diagnosed in 2017, the wife of Bill Johnson had CT scans recently that revealed her body is full of tumors, and a few weeks ago she really took a turn for the worse, prompting the church to set up a 24/7 prayer chain for her. While we pray for her healing, we’ve sadly already written her obituary as her odds of recovery absent a miracle are essentially non-existent.

This is a sobering reality, given that Johnson, who oversees the 10,000 member word/faith Bethel megachurch in Redding, California, regularly claims to heal Stage-4 cancer. He teaches that with enough faith, one can be healed, as healing is a promise that is a part of the gospel, and the church incessantly advertises all the miracles that happen within their congregation

In fact. Bethel pays a staff member, whom they describe as a “church historian” to curate and document thousands of alleged healings in their church, documenting them for posterity.

Last month during a Q&A Johnson explained that “It is always God’s will to heal everyone” and that he never prays “if it be your will to heal”, as that is a prayer for unbelief, given that God has already revealed to Johnson that’s it’s always his will. It’s not a peripheral issue, but rather “is central to the gospel”. He’s previously said, that God never, ever sends sickness to people and that “I refuse to create a theology that allows for sickness”. In a different Q&A, he told the audience when asked if Jesus ever choose not to heal:

“2000 years ago, Jesus made a purchase. He does not decide ‘not to heal people’ today, the decision 2000 years ago was to heal. Either the payment was sufficient for all sin, or no sin. Either the payment was sufficient for all sickness or no sickness.

Healing and forgiveness work in tandem throughout the Scripture. You will find them in the same phrase consistently because it was the basic same payment of headed to the cross, the stripes that he bore, the blood that he shed that dealt with sickness as well as forgiveness.

There’s a third element though thrown in-there’s the word ‘poverty’. In the word ‘evil’ in the Gospel of Matthew, it says ‘deliver us from evil’. The word comes from the word ‘pain’. And the word ‘pain’ actually comes from the root word ‘poor’. So the brushstroke of God’s redemption was to wipe out the root of sin, the root of illness, and the root of poverty. So does he choose not to (heal) ? No, he chose to do it long time ago.

This incongruence between heretical wistful thinking and reality is best seen in a new post by Johnson, who is inviting people to come to a “healing school” where they can pay 165$ to train in both becoming a healer, and also being healed.

The promo material states:

Bethel Healing School is focused on activating a culture of healing and miracles, and stepping into a greater breakthrough in the miraculous. You will be inspired, trained, equipped, and launched into a lifestyle of healing and miracles. This school encompasses much more than just teaching; it’s four days immersed into a culture of joy, freedom, and experiencing all that Jesus paid for. It’s designed to be an intense week full of practical activation, impartation, and miracles, miracles, miracles!

In our sessions, you will grow in the awareness of the anointing you carry. You will explore scriptural truth that deactivates lies we have believed about healing. You’ll also learn new ways to cultivate and maintain an atmosphere conducive to healing in your personal lives, churches, communities, and ministries.

Each year, many return home with the confident knowledge that the healing power of Jesus is available to all of us today! The Healing School is led by the Director of Bethel’s Healing Rooms, Chuck Parry, under the direction of Bill Johnson. Every week, people come from all over the globe to receive ministry at the Healing Rooms, where the miraculous power of Jesus and creative miracles have become frequent and expected.

And yet Bethel shut down their church, School of Supernatural Ministry and the Healing Houses during the pandemic.

And yet his wife remains unhealed.

And yet his theology is trash and he basically functions as a heresy generator.

Everything in that promo is a lie. The whole event is a lie. Bethel is in for a reckoning, and only God knows how they’ll react when it does.


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8 thoughts on “Bethel Church’s Bill Johnson Shills ‘Healing School’ Heresy While Wife Dying of Cancer

  1. Sadly, Bill Johnson doesn’t recognise that God is using his wife’s illness to refute his heretical teaching on healing, to humble him, to lead him to repentance and to show Bill that YAHWEH is the One who has Ultimate and Complete control. With that said, if his wife dies (and I kinda think she will), I believe Bill will come up with more heretical crap to explain why she wasn’t healed.

    1. False. Yes, Bethel is in heresy but healing is scriptural. You have to plainly ignore verses and twist them to come up with an alternate view. They weren’t in faith. Simple. They went to Spain seeking treatment. That’s not faith. One can publicly declare all day that they are standing in faith and not really be in faith. On top of that, they practiced many unbiblical things such grave soaking, tarot cards and Beni even called herself a seer. I think it’s safe to assume that there’s a good chance that they aren’t truly walking with the Lord. None of this negates healing in scripture. If anything, it has more to do with whether or not they were his sheep.

      1. Yes. Healing is scriptural. Something on Beni’s end was not as it should have been, this is a danger we all face.

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