Embittered Jen Hatmaker Reveals She is All-Consumed with Bad Theology and Grumps that People Call Her a ‘Heretic’

Jen Hatmaker, the popular I’m-pretending-to-be-a-Christian-but-I’m-actually-a-pagan mommy-blogger and podcaster that is quickly climbing the ranks from “Gadfly False Teacher” to “Arch-Heretic,” has continued to out herself as a vessel of inhabitation for shifty-eyed swine who’d rather not go off a cliff, this time as she reflects on her spiritual transition from jewel to Jezebel.
Last time we caught up with her, she was celebrating homosexuality, being pro-transgender, becoming a woke racial justice warrior by saying, “the center of the church has failed to be black, gay, and transgender, and lamenting the death of notorious pro-abort Ruth Bader Ginsberg, giving her the benediction, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”
On her August 3 For the Love podcast she endeavours to explain all the ways that she has changed in the last little while. While most of the commentary and self-reflective self-actualization she gives sounds like the sort of status updates you’d find posted on the Facebook wall of single moms whose grandparents have custody of their children but still caption every picture “my kids are my life,” she does offer us a few morsels, explaining that “from a wide-lens perspective, I would first want to talk about the process of flipping the script in my life spiritually, that is really the backdrop to my entire life, all of it.”
In this case, she discusses “what it meant to be a Christian in this world, what it means to be a woman, both inside a faith structure and out of it, and my understanding of God” and notes that “everything I really learned about God was from that angle, everything was on a foundation of fear. So I was definitely afraid of God.”
She was a pastor’s wife for years, and it is so evident that her theology and way of thinking were fundamentally flawed and false to the core.
I was directly told and instructed my entire life, that the salvation of the world was our responsibility, essentially. That if we were not aggressive and assertive evangelists constantly, basically that people’s blood was on our hands, you know?
That we had some secret that for some reason I couldn’t figure out, we had been granted. It was ours to tell everybody, and if we didn’t, we would answer for it one day. So there’s even this thing like all along, which was ‘Oh someday you’ll stand in front of God, and even then, even there, he’ll be disappointed in you.’
Like if somehow you make it through the gates, God is gonna sit there and recite to you all the things you missed, all the things you got wrong, all the chances you squandered. And all your failures, and then reluctantly, God, he would let us in, because he had to, because Jesus. Right? Because Jesus somehow made it okay, and so God had to finally let in these wayward kids that he can barely stand. That’s how it felt.
Turning to the role of women, she recounts how she started “having a cognitive dissonance” because “the God that I understood seemed to very keen on keeping white men in charge, in keeping women and girls down and shamed and blamed in protecting hierarchy.”
This happened in her early thirties, she guesses between the age of 30-33 when “new ideas came in’ and she had a “cognitive dissonance that didn’t fit into her template.” (She is 46 years old now.)
I was definitely scared of authority, which of course, in my environment were men, only. White men. They were in charge because ‘God.’ They were in charge because ‘God.’ They were in charge because ‘Bible.’ They were the head. And the rest of us were just, like, secondary supporting cast, all the women and kids. I never saw a woman in leadership, I’m getting ahead of myself. This is what it means to be a woman. Okay,
She continues:
They could be an aerospace engineer. They can be CEOs of their companies, but they could not preach. That is where their limits hit the wall, which I just accepted, by the way, I just accepted that is, I don’t know if this is how they understand it, they must be right, they’d never get this something this important wrong. I mean, they would never keep half of us, subjugated erroneously, right? They would never get—this wouldn’t be a power play. Wouldn’t be for position. I guess they just got it right. And that’s our lot in life.
Having broken free of that subjugation, she concludes by noting that her newfound belief system allows for her to have a “mysterious faith” where she doesn’t need to have all the answers or believe the narratives she was taught. She remarks that “questions or even dissent were couched as a lack of faith or a lack of obedience or ultimately heresy. That’s the favorite word people like to call me; a heretic.” And then celebrates her own invented notions of God and the scriptures by bashing anyone believing otherwise. [What? We are the heretics? -Ed.]
How could we have formulated God down to all these lists and templates? It’s just silly. So knowing that God was allowed to remain mysterious to me, in some ways, was a big relief, that I could not have to use my mind to find some sort of script to make God fit the narrative I was handed.
Does that make sense? I don’t have to do that anymore. I didn’t have to figure out how to get from A to B to C in a way that created less dissonance for me. I could just say, ‘I don’t know how that works. I don’t know why that happened. I don’t know what God thinks about that. I don’t know how this works out in the end. I don’t know what eternity really looks like. I don’t know—Well, a huge relief.
And then to deeply discover that God has always been unambiguously on the side of the oppressed. And that injustice matters to him and that his beautiful world that he imagined, that He sent Jesus to teach us about is like a paradise, honestly, where everyone is safe. Everyone is cherished. Everyone is deeply Beloved, they are well cared for, they’re connected, no one is alone.
No one is going hungry or going without because we share. There are no manmade hierarchies that keep certain people on top, and others on bottom, simply by virtue of gender, or skin colour, or sexual orientation, or nationality. That’s just not real, that’s invented. That’s invented. What a relief!
Unfortunately, in these dark days there’s no shortage of biblically ignorant and naïve believers whose spiritual education comes from watching idiotic videos like these, instead of actually reading God’s Word.
As one who learned the same way years ago before I was convicted to open my own Bible and read it (and study) I totally agree with you. I even tell people that I did this, and you’ll NEVER learn the TRUTH that way, no one listens..which saddens me. In these last days, the comments I get back when I say something like, “perhaps you should read your own Bible”? Whoa what things some say back to me. They eat up the false teachings like candy. These are not the days to fool around. God bless, brother.
These rabid leftists/progressives/secularists, and professional victims, are something else. They hate what the Bible says. They hate God’s design. So they make up their own contrived nonsense, pretending they’ve got it all figured out and we’ll all have utopia on earth if we’ll just burn our Bibles and follow their dictates instead. One could write a book correcting just a few minutes worth of her flawed and false statements. Nobody has the time or patience to even fool with it.
Apparently it has never occurred to her that there are also things that men are not allowed or able to do. And there are also things that men are obligated to do, such as backbreaking work, that aren’t exactly always fun. For the life of me, I can’t recall any scripture anywhere that says anything about “white men,” nor have I ever attended any church that would come close to describing what she perceived.
When the doctrine of sola amore, salvation by love alone, is presented as the queen of all doctrine in the modern church, then all other doctrines are just a schizophrenic mess. Her inability to reconcile sin with sola amore is normal these days. “I don’t believe parts of the Bible” is a popular deception for “I don’t believe in the God as presented in the Bible” and we just learn to tolerate, accept, and finally champion this because Jesus loves us too much for it to matter.
Modern Christianity encourages people to just make up their own god, in their image. It’s the idea of “personal relationship with Jesus” reaching its post modernism final devolution; there’s no objective reality outside of individual perceptions, my Jesus/your Jesus, my God/your God, the only thing that’s not true is to say anyone else’s Jesus is not true. Christianity is close to being completely dissolved and absorbed into the culture. Wonder what comes after this?
A few years ago when she said her and her (now ex) husband changed their views about what the Bible said about homosexuality and they “prayed” about it. Umm, no they didn’t; those were lies. They both knew their oldest daughter was a lesbian at 12, and they decided not to believe what the Bible said anymore.
Hatmaker is as much of a Christian as her master Lucifer is. The fact that anyone listens to a thing she or Beth Moore, Jory Micah, Joyce Meyers, Joel Osteen and his ridiculous wife and now their son, Benny Hinn, Kenneth Copeland, Jesse Duplantis, Creflo Dollar, TD Jakes, and their ilk says is proof-positive that the End for them is almost upon them. Even so, come quickly Lord Jesus!