Canadian Church has 26 Charges Before the Courts and Faces $30,000,000 in Fines + Jail Time

While the Church at GraceLife is in hiding from the government, another body of believers on the other side of the country continues to be oppressed and persecuted for their insistence on having church service at full capacity despite the province restricting attendance to 15 percent for months.
Trinity Bible Chapel (TBC) in Waterloo, Ontario has been continually opposed by the tyrannical powers of the “Conservative” party. Whereas James Coates and GraceLife have faced arrest, jail time and having their building barricaded, TBC has been repeatedly abused and squeezed by crushing financial penalties. Pastor Jacob Reaume has been fined thousands of dollars and faces jail time. The six elders have all been fined thousands. The church has 26 charges before the court and faces 30 million dollars in fines. They had a service in January that cost them $83,000 – fines and court costs which are not able to be waived, removed, or appealed.
On Thursday, April 8th, Waterloo Region’s Bylaw officers visited the church and handed Pastor Jacob Reaume and the church another summons for the crime of worshipping at full capacity on Easter Sunday, according to the church website.
This is Pastor Reaume’s sixth summons. Each one carries a maximum penalty of $100,000 and one year in jail, meaning he may end up owing over $600,000. The church has been summoned three times now – charged as a corporation, with a maximum penalty of $10 million for each.
Reaume goes on to explain that their congregation is living in the heads of the Municipality of Waterloo rent-free, given the chatter they’ve bestowed upon his church.
In an interesting twist, I submitted a freedom of information request to the Regional Municipality of Waterloo earlier this year. I wanted to know how much they were talking about me and Trinity Bible Chapel. I learned that in roughly a 10 month period, the regional government (not including the police services) had approximately 6,000 internal emails and 144 internal documents making reference to me, the church, and things pertaining to the ministry of the church. I haven’t requested to see all those emails yet, mainly because they want me to pay $4,500 to see them.
As for how they are going to proceed and how they will endure, they point to the gospel, claiming they can do no less.
We do not place our ultimate hope in governments and their plans to keep us safe. Our hope is in Jesus Christ. He shed His blood to purchase forgiveness for sinners. Our greatest threat is not a virus that 99.937% of Canadians have not died from. Much rather our great threat is the sin in our hearts which leads to hell, an imminent danger to 100% of Canadians. Christ died for us sinners so we can have eternal abundant life. He owns us, and we are His joyful servants. He has forgiven us. We owe Him everything, especially His worship because He is worthy.
Pray for our brothers and sisters at Trinity Church.
That’s what happens to churches that have the so called gov. tax exemptions or inthis country 501c3’s, they are a gov. controlled corp. merging churches w/ gov. Few churches today are a non 501c3. People will soon have to meet in homes in small groups or have family church.