Not The Bee! Maryland Pastor Cited For Not Wearing a Mask While in Empty Church Office

(Lifesite News) Maryland Governor Larry Hogan has ordered the early release of inmates while unleashing health departments to threaten the closure of churches, citing COVID health concerns.

American Constitutional Rights Union (ACRU) has learned that Community United Methodist Church in Pasadena, Maryland has been issued a citation resulting from one employee of the church answering the door to the church during office hours, momentarily without a mask, to unlock the door for a Health Department official. The church was not holding services at the time and the employee had been alone in an office until the Health Department official showed up at the door unannounced.

After issuing the citation, the health department official informed the pastor, Rev. Dennis Jackman M.D., that he would return and if the church was not in full compliance with the Anne Arundel County Department of Health COVID-19 Guidance (authorized by Health Officer Nilesh Kalyanaraman and County Executive Steuart Pittman) that the church would be deemed an “unsafe facility” and “closed until the state of emergency has been terminated.” The citation also threatens criminal charges and “imprisonment of up to one year, and /or a fine of up to $5000.”

This was threatened despite the fact the church had been following all county guidance during church services and had made every effort to ensure the safety of worshippers. According to the pastor, Rev. Dennis Jackman M.D., the health official came to the door of the church during the week, while no services were being held.

“I was in my office alone, without a mask on, and heard someone at the locked door of the church. I was not expecting anyone, so I went to see who was trying to get in the church. Immediately after answering the door, I went to my desk and put on my mask, but the health official…

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Editor’s note. This article was written by Jay Collins and posted at Lifesite News. Title changed by Protestia.

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1 thought on “Not The Bee! Maryland Pastor Cited For Not Wearing a Mask While in Empty Church Office

  1. And don’t forget, folks, Governor Hogan is a Republican, although I doubt he’s much of a conservative. In a state like Maryland, just like in Massachusetts who elected Mitt Romney governor a decade or so ago, you have to be pretty leftist even as a Republican to get elected in a state like Maryland. After all, look who it’s named after. And I mean no disrespect to the earthly mother of our Lord and Savior, as who the Roman church “worships” is not the same person.

    Overall, though, the story gives you an idea of what’s likely forthcoming under a Biden/Harris administration.

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