Liberty University Pulls John Piper Video after Trump Criticism

A sign marks an entrance to Liberty University as students were welcomed back to the campus during the coronavirus outbreak Tuesday March 24 , 2020, in Lynchburg, Va. Officials in Lynchburg, Virginia, said Tuesday they were fielding complaints and concerns about the hundreds of students that have returned from their spring break to Liberty University, where President Jerry Falwell Jr. has welcomed them back amid the coronavirus pandemic. (AP Photo/Steve Helber)
(Ministry Watch) Liberty University removed videos of evangelical author and speaker John Piper from its website after the well-known pastor wrote a blog post that was seen as critical of President Donald Trump.
According to Christianity Today, Piper and Southern Baptist Convention President J.D. Greear recorded a video conversation with David Nasser, Liberty’s senior vice president for spiritual development, in mid-October. The two resulting videos were posted online about a week later.
The conversation was timed to coincide with the 20th anniversary of Piper’s best-known book, “Don’t Waste Your Life.” Greear has a new book out on a similar topic, called “What Are You Going to Do With Your Life?”
On Oct. 22, Piper posted an article that, while not naming Trump specifically, was critical of fellow evangelicals for overlooking sins like boastfulness, vulgarity and sexual immorality while…
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Editor’s Note. This article was written by Bob Smietana and posted at Ministry Watch. Title changed by Protestia
Every time a prominent “Christian leader” like John Piper, Tim Keller, or David Platt tries to tear down support for Trump by listing his personal moral failures, I wish they would answer one simple question: “AS OPPOSED TO WHAT?”. It’s easy for them to sit in the seat of scoffers and rattle off a list of arrogant, crude, and mean-spirited things Donald Trump has said on TV and twitter, but what would they have Christians do? By all means, name a better (or less bad) candidate to vote for?
John Piper is extremely arrogant to think that Christians who voted or support Trump lack the spiritual discernment to realize that Trump has serious problems and essentially said that the church is driving away unbelievers by supporting Trump. Once again, I would like to know “AS OPPOSED TO WHAT?” and I find it very curious that these types of criticisms against the personal behavior of a political candidate aren’t leveled against other (Democrat) candidates. It’s as if Piper thinks liberal denominations that support Democrats, ordain women, celebrate abortion, and promote LGBT policies have a good witness for Christ but if you dare make it known that you voted for Trump your ministry will be burned up like straw. God can’t use a Republican, but if you become more accepting of Marxist policies *that’s* how you become the aroma of Christ. /s
And no, that’s not a false dichotomy, as of this year, there is not a single pro-life democrat in congress (Dan Lipinski was the last one), sexual degeneracy is not just practiced it is codified as policy in the Democratic platform, and they are not tolerant of opposing views. Christians didn’t choose the Republican party, it became the defacto party for Christians when the other party in a 2-party system kicked them all out.
Thank you, well put. I too have wondered why Donald Trump’s sins are so much worse than anyone else’s. Why are bombastic tweets and a remote history of adultery soooo much more offensive to God than killing children, homosexuality, lying, and corruption? But hey, if the tweets bother your delicate nature then by all means vote for those other things. Woe to the shepherds.