John MacArthur Updates on the Threat of Jails, Fines, and calls Masks ‘A Bacterial Zoo you Have over your Face’

John MacArthur appeared for a brief interview on the Todd Starnes show on Monday afternoon, posted below, to give a minor update on how his church is handling things and the latest word the progression of the court case.
At first, it was the threat of 90 days in jail, then the last time I saw it it was 6 months in jail, but that hasn’t been activated yet. In fact, we had the sixth hearing in court on Friday- six times the county has taken us to court- and the judge has still not ruled on that. So there’s really been no outcome yet that could be measured in terms of a fine or contempt or jail or whatever, so, they can’t seem to get what they want. The county can’t. They’ve been frustrated six times in court but we’ll see what comes next.
MacArthur mentions that two of the health inspectors were believers and they joined in the service during their inspection duties, as well as complimented MacArthur’s son in law on a singing piece. MacArthur mentions that 90% of the health department is disgusted at what they’re doing to Grace Church, a statistic that was first unearthed by Tim Hurd at the Bible Thumping Wingnut, which we also covered here.
MacArthur reiterates that none of his congregation of several thousand have died from it or have been hospitalized despite meeting for 8 weeks, commenting:
Well look, here is the latest statistic. This came out in court Friday. If you’re living in California, here’s the chance you’re going to die from COVID. This was presented to the court. One chance in 19.1 million. That’s the chance you’re going to die from COVID in California currently.
Starnes asks MacArthur what he thinks ultimately is happening with everything that was experienced in terms of COVID, the culture, and the role of the Church. MacArthur shares:
This is not a response to a virus…this is control. We all know that masks are basically a bacterial zoo you have over your face. They’re not healthy. Medical doctors have told me 30 minutes of one of those you gotta get rid of it. So this is about control. This is all part of the strategy. This plays into the same strategies that are being played out on a number of fronts to bring down the country that we’ve always known, to limit our freedom.
I think if you want a socialist country, you have to get rid of the capitalist and they’re doing a number with this on small businesses. It’s almost like a variation of the bolshevik revolution where you take everybody’s business over with the government and you can see moves being made in that direction.
But I think a lot of it has to do with the election. You would say, ‘well is this some kind of conspiracy being orchestrated by one person?’ I don’t know anything about that, but I do know these things play into the chaos, the utter chaos and disillusionment they have generated on other fronts, and this is just of one those additional operations that is making life miserable for Americans and I think they want to blame the president for it.
In further developments, PJ Media is reporting that:
“Los Angeles County has expressed its intention to haul Grace Community Church (GCC) Pastor John MacArthur back into court, attempting to secure a contempt ruling against him, which would involve hefty fines. On Monday, an LA superior court judge punted on contempt, but the county told MacArthur’s lawyers that it intends to refile charges in another court.”
Continue to pray for Pastor MacArthur and all the brothers and sisters at Grace Community Church.
Great job guys, much appreciated from UK
I especially appreciated our brother’s remark on the mask as a “bacterial zoo” that you put on your face. As a sufferer of COPD I have never worn a mask nor will I. In our city you cannot enter a hospital for a doctor ordered test without one. So we have a catch-22 situation here. I can’t wear one, but if I don’t they won’t allow me to see how bad my lungs are getting. And I know there are undoubtedly thousands of folk in similar situations with other physical problems that are not being attended to because of the power that government authorities are exercising over the public. And not for our good but their greedy grasp of power.
I’m so sorry for what you’re going through. I have never worn a bacterial zoo either. I want to mention that my mother *HAD* very bad COPD until she saw a functional medicine doc and got very thorough testing for food sensitivities (not what a reg doc would order) and her COPD was completely gone forever in a couple of weeks maybe. She also stopped eating all sugar and all processed food but I believe it was mostly the grains and dairy causing all that inflammation. See a functional med doc or stop dairy and/or grains. I had been telling her this for years. Hope that helps! 😊
He’s good on the Bible but lousy on Covid-19.
He’s exactly right on Covid 19
The county keeps shopping for favorable judgements.