
Police Threaten to Arrest Street Preachers Over ‘Hate Crime’ of Preaching Gospel

The UK continues to blossom into a hunting ground for tyrants, with law enforcement enforcing draconian laws designed to curtail free speech and, in some cases, freedom of thought.

Last week, two street preachers were confronted by several Metropolitan Police officers after a member of the public called in and accused them of hate crimes in the form of racism and homophobia, which caused them alarm and distress. A 10 minute encounter was uploaded by Contagious Christian, but clipped by us below. According to PCN:

One of the Met officers can be heard telling the preacher: “Currently there’s allegations of a hate crime, a public order offence, Section 4a [and] allegations of homophobia….I’ve not heard anything, I’m not saying I’ve heard anything. Someone’s called us. It might be completely untrue or true.

The street preacher insisted he wasn’t saying anything hateful, and recounted what he’d been speaking about:

So we’ve been preaching about the gospel of Jesus Christ. The Bible says in the book of John, chapter three, verse 16, that For God so loved the world, that he gave his one and only begotten son, that whosoever, that is any person, doesn’t matter if they’re black, homosexual, drunken, liar, thief, prostitute, whoever believes in him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.

“For God did not send his son into the world to condemn the world, but he sent his son into the world that all can be saved. And that is the message of the gospel. That’s what I’ve been preaching”.

Officers informed the preacher that he needed his name for their report because otherwise, if they didn’t get it, they would have “failed a potential victim” in the event they wanted to press charges.

After being threatened with arrest if they didn’t identify themselves, they complied.


Methodist Denomination Labels Terms ‘Husband’ and ‘Wife’ Offensive

The Methodist Church of Great Britain (UK) continues to function as a vehicle for particularly crazed demons to live vicariously through, recently updating their “Inclusive Language Guide” to recommend members no longer use offensive terms like “husband” and “wife,” but rather inoffensive terms like “parent” “partner” and “carer.”

We covered this irredeemably noxious denomination before, after Cliff College, a school overseen by The Methodist Council of the United Kingdom, sacked Dr Aaron Edwards, a professor of theology, for expressing that “Homosexuality is invading the church.

While conservative Methodists in the United States enjoy freedom of speech to oppose sexual immorality in the church, this is not true for their UK counterpart. Here, the Methodist Council has openly attacked the remaining remnant of conservatives within the denomination, actively using hate speech laws of the UK and pro-LGBT+ cultural momentum as a club to remove dissenters.

According to the inclusive language guide, the denomination crafted the documents so its members may “recognize that we sometimes exclude people” and will better be able to “listen with humility, to repent of any hurtful language, and to take care with how we listen and what we say or write” when dealing with groups which have been “marginalized and/or demonized by common culture.”

Other idiotic recommendations include:



More Top Hillsong Pastors Resign, Do Not Give Reason Why

In what has been a continuing trend over the last two years, another pair of Hillsong pastors have resigned, with the lead pastors of Hillsong London Robby and Jenny Lewis announcing their departure last week, after more than 12 years with the UK branch. They will be replaced by young adult pastors Daniel and Jo Watson.

The Lewis’ did not give a reason for their departure, only stating:

“I just want to say “thank you” to every single one of you for the last 12 and a half years. Everything that you’ve poured into me, all the encouragement and the love and allowing me to be a part of your life. I said a number of years ago, I said ‘I am who I am today because of all of you’ and I absolutely mean that. We’re here, we’re standing here, because of you, because of all the encouragement, because of who you are that’s rubbed off on us, and we couldn’t be more grateful. We are grateful, we are eternally grateful and thank you, thank you, thank you.”

The resignation was a surprise to many, given that the church recently purchased the Golders Green Hippodrome for over $7 million dollars and was gearing up for the future. While we are hopeful for everyone’s sake that nothing else is amiss, these sudden announcements of pastors leaving have not gone historically well for the global megachurch.

This follows the termination of Carl and Laura Lentz from Hillsong NYC, as Pastor Reed and Jess Bogard resigning from Hillsong Dallas, the former who left after having an affair, and the latter who likely would have been terminated, after an investigation found a culture of dysfunction and lavish lifestyle, resulting in Global Senior Pastor Brian Houston shutting down the whole church.

h/t Christian Today

bad theology Evangelical Stuff Featured

Hillsong Says to Build Yourself on the Rock of Hillsong Church

Hillsong Youth Leader Jorden Bicknell had an interesting take on what it means to build one’s house on the rock, explaining during an episode of Hillson UK Kid’s church (after singing over and over these somewhat self-centered lyrics “You made me special. You made me precious. You made me wonderful. In Your image I am made.”) the rock that one ought to build their house and life upon is Hillsong Church. [Editor’s note: Has this guy even READ Matthew 16? That ROCK is CHRIST! Yeesh…]

God tells us that we need to build our life on the rock and not on the sand. I want you to take a minute to think about how strong a rock is. And I want you to take a minute to think about how weak and soft sand is. So you might be like, but how do I do that?

Well, one of the ways that we can do that is by getting involved in our church. We’re so blessed to be part of the church that we are, the kid’s church that you get to be in every single Sunday. You get to hang out with all of those incredible friends that you’ve got, and those kids leaders that love you and are for you and they just want to help you grow in your relationship with God. See I’ve got three things that we can do, to really be able to love my church and to be able to build your relationship with God.

He explains to do so, you have to love the people around you, listen to your kid’s leaders, and learn who God says you are, on account that he was a wonderful Jeremiah-esque plan for your life.

You see HSK, sometimes life can get a bit hard, whether it’s at school or at home with your friends. It’s not always easy, and that’s okay. But that’s why it’s so important that we build our life on God. We build our life on God’s rock. Because if we build our life on other stuff, that’s like putting our life on sand, and when the storm comes, they’re going to blow us over.

You see, that’s why in the Bible God says, like I said, about building your house on the rock. So I really want to encourage you to invest in your church, invest in your friends, invest in the kid’s leaders that are around you, and do your best to learn about how much God loves you. And that’s how I love my church.

h/t to Salt and Light

Money Grubbing Heretics News Scandal

Have You Seen the Insane Hillsong Church 2020 Christmas Video?! Well You Have Now!

Hillsong Church is no stranger to controversy when it comes to their Christmas productions, most of which feature lascivious displays of writhing flesh and poor choices, resulting in Hillsong frequently deleting the videos so as to avoid criticism.

In other years, we have reported on a Hillsong production depicting Jesus born in a riotous bar, (since deleted) Hillsong’s sensuality Christmas show with fleshly dancers, the Hillsong show with women writhing in nothing but towels, and their infamous ‘Silent Night Sleazy Night’ Christmas special from several years ago. (also since deleted)

This time is no exception. The video is from Hillsong UK, where Senior Pastor Gary Clarke holds sway. Clarke, who is featured in the video, was recently chosen to take over for Brian Houston as the Global Senior Pastor role, overseeing the entire Hillsong empire as Houston steps back from some of his roles and responsibilities.

Now we have this video, posted to the church’s YouTube channel.

It prominently features members of the church leadership, including the Senior Pastor, several Youth Pastors, Hillsong’s Wildlife Director (whatever the heck that is) the Kids Pastor, Senior Youth Pastor, Young Adults Pastor, Young Adults Director, the Hillsong Fuel Director, and the Schools Project Initiative Director all getting a little wild and crazy to a thumping remix of Mariah Carey’s ‘All I want for Christmas is you.’

Don’t say we didn’t warn you.

h/t to Salt and Light for the video.


UK Police Release Chilling Pro-LGBT Billboard. ‘Being Offensive is an Offence,

(The PostMillennial) Police in Merseyside, a town in northwestern England, were forced to apologize after putting up a billboard claiming that “being offensive is an offence.”

An image circulated on Twitter showing Merseyside Police outside a market with a large advertising truck that read “Being offensive is an offence.”

The police say the billboard was meant to encourage residents to report hate crimes, but afterwards, they had to make amends, according to the BBC.

Merseyside police “[apologizes] for any confusion this may have caused” while noting that “hate crime is an offence and will not be tolerated.”

“Hate crime can come in various guises that can include assault, criminal damage, verbal and written online abuse,” the police spokesman said.

The billboard sparked widespread criticism, with people..

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Editor’s Note. This article was written by Noah David Alter and posted at The Post Millennial. Title changed by Protestia.